
Tap Into Your Creator Abilities

Ali, our sweet Queen.  You are the one we visit to bring the messages through for your human family on Earth.  We know you.  We feel you.  We recognize your energy and it has nothing to do with your physical being in form or personality.  We love you so deeply even though we have never met in person, and you love us, the same.  You know us by the essence we bring forth.  If we ask Archangel Michael to step forward and let you feel his presence, you immediately sense him and receive the emotions and visual representations of him.  There are so many collectives here and we are all so unique in the way we feel to you and to each other, without having any form or voice or physical representation to go on. 
We present this to you to bring your attention to your awareness of Self and Spirit.  Take a human you know very well and imagine them in the room with you.  In an instant, you can feel their energy and presence, and they don’t need to be beside you.  Add the gifts of your physical world to bring this person “to life” in your mind, like photos or video recordings, and it’s even easier, from the human perspective.  Not only can you sense everything about this person which is familiar on a soul-level, but you can create any scenario with them, you want.  You can pick out a memory you shared with them and bring it into your mental and emotional being, or you can create a new situation and fully control it, making it as long as you like, and anywhere you want it to be. 
You carry this same sense of knowing for yourself, and maybe you’ve never noticed it until now.  Our mastery is to draw attention to what you already know, and often that means opening your mind to something you never considered before.  Feel for your own presence in the room with you and notice how familiar you are, compared to everyone else.  Words can’t describe your essence, or another’s, but feelings know it well.  Use words, but then also turn to how it feels to know your own soul-essence and compare it to another’s.  There’s a style and character to each soul, and it’s distinct and easy to pick out. 
Use the gifts you have to be with any soul you want to be with.  Create scenarios and notice how wonderful they are, compared to physical encounters you have shared.  When you bring this other soul into your awareness, you are co-creating a moment with them!  Their soul is with you, helping you create what you both want!  Let it be just as fulfilling if not more fulfilling than being together, physically.

You’ll find the freedom to create here, and you’ll find rewards beyond what you can receive in the physical.  As you do this, you learn to love your physical world and you gain gratitude for the way it guides you to these inner creator abilities.  Run away with your imagination and create situations with the souls you love so deeply.  Feel them with you as you create these moments together, and then play and enjoy even more than you would on Earth.  There is no end to what you can create, and here is how you get in touch with that part of you, once again. 
WE love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness.
