
You Own Your Creation

Oh, our sweet loves, hello and welcome!  Thank you for being here with us in these pages, sharing OUR words with us.  These pages couldn’t be here without your presence, your energy, and thus, your contribution!  If you’re here reading, then there is an energetic attachment formed.  You cannot be where your energy is not already imprinted, divine ones.  It makes sense if you think in terms of the process of creation we’ve laid out for you before which tells you that your reality comes from within you.  If it rings true, then you know nothing is there without your doing or your making.  Somehow, even if it’s beyond your conscious awareness, you have created each experience for yourself to step into, and being engaged with this message is no different than any of your other experiences.

You might now be pondering everything you encounter in a day and coming into awe about it: Every step you take is YOUR very own creation.  You OWN each experience, angels; you made it with your energy.  Each interaction, engagement, scenario, event, or whatever you partake in with your mind or physical being, has been carefully thought out and created from your being.  Your energy speaks and reality is created.  Your human experience is allowing you to make things seem to happen by chance or by accident, and this is one thing you love about it!  You can be completely surprised if you choose because you can direct your physical self to stay unaware of the mastery going on behind the scenes.

Be in joy about what is held from your awareness because of the wealth of experience it offers!  For those with a big dream you’ve been holding in your heart, notice that it can only be a dream because you have no idea if it will ever happen.  If you knew a highly desired event was coming up, you wouldn’t dream or fantasize about what it might be like, when, where, or how, etc.  You would have no dreams if you knew each event coming around the corner.  It’s only possible for you to dream because you have an unknown future!  This is your doing, and now you understand why secrets about your future are so important to you!  You love to play in a time-sphere like Earth because it gives you this whole dynamic of dreams and a mysterious future on the way.

There are other benefits to withholding awareness from yourself, but then there is this whole new unfolding side of creation also occurring with this ascension in consciousness: Because you are flowering, opening up to how you create and who you have been all along, you are awakening to the process.  You are now aware of the method to your creation, as we’ve outlined above.  You stepped into this message because you set it up.  You put these words here so that you’d find them and enter into conscious awareness of your abilities.  You create with your energy, and on a higher level of consciousness, you are fully aware of what’s to come.  You’re ready for surprises to cease.  You’re ready to explore conscious creation.  You’re ready because you are already complete and not moving through time or a process of evolution.  You are all ready, and there is a shift occurring in you which is the undeniable proof that this is true.  As we said, you cannot be where your energy is not already imprinted, so then you must be ready to hear all of this.

Step into each of your next creations filled with a new sense of awe and wonder, but also with more confidence in your abilities and your power AS the creator!  Brighten up and lighten up about each encounter you seem to stumble into because it’s yours.  Take ownership and observe yourself in the Master’s shoes.  It was YOU who made this, sweet one.  Each experience is there by your own hand, by your heart, by your mind, and by your energy.  You will look for what you designed in each moment, and you’ll feel your personal touch on it.  This will change your perspective from wondering why things happen, to loving your own creation.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness

                                                     ðŸ’œ This kitty is Duncan Donuts ðŸ’œ
