
Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept it

Greetings, divine ones.  Welcome into our hearts and into our love.  We are so taken with you and overwhelmed with awe and compassion for you.  The words are not always here to express what we feel, and you are struggling with that more now, too.  As a collective, you are rising into new heights of love.  As you rise, you attempt to bring all you knew along with you, and it doesn’t quite fit.  The old way of describing things, the old way of relating to each other, and old practices can’t come along into the new energies, as they were.  These antiquated perspectives need to be lifted and reconfigured, and so they are coming up for your close inspection.

Your old ways of thinking and being, our loves, are getting a complete overhaul.  You are the ones to rewrite your practices, and so you are receiving them, front and centre.  It’s a long line-up and the waiting room is full: The old perspectives need your attention, and they are here for your services.  Individually, you might feel that something you rewrote and released already shouldn’t be coming back again.  You feel you dealt with that, cleared it away, worked out an understanding, and came to terms with whatever big issue begged for your attention when you first awakened.  You sorted through all the baggage and went through every closet, and you had everything filed all neatly in place, but here it is, asking for you to look at it, once again.

Angels, this is your privilege to rework these perspectives, and you accept your mission as the hero you are.  There is nothing wrong with the way you shifted perspectives before; they have not returned because you failed or missed anything.  Our loving ones, feel it and show yourself how honoured you are to be given these perspectives, once again: These are not regifted, stale energies to be forgotten or stored away.  As you know, energy doesn’t die, so it must go somewhere; it must fit into wherever you are, now.  Has it clicked?  If these old practices are resurfacing, that means you are at a new, higher level!  This is cause for celebration, sweet ones!  All energy is rising with you, and big pockets and pieces are in tow, looking for a way to come with you to your new position.

Gratefully face these lower energies as the risen master you now are.  See them as your babies; those you cherished, held, and tended to so lovingly upon your first moment of awakening.  They need you and you need them.  You didn’t shove these old ways of being to the side, when you awakened; you looked to them with love in your heart and helped them to grow so they could transform into the glorious butterflies they became.  Your nurturance provided that, divine angels!  Your guidance and love allowed your old ways to move with you, change with you, grow with you and be carried as your new more heart-based practices and perspectives.

A wave of awakenings is rippling across your Earth right now, so you are being called to nourish, support, and tend to these old energies and encourage them into their higher position like you did the last time, and the time before.  See this as a sign of growth and accept your mission with the highest honour it has bestowed upon you.  You have been chosen to be the alchemist, reworking and reshaping energy to suit the New Earth.  Wear your crown with pride and show us your magic, beloveds!  You’re the ones to do this fine work, dear light-shapers.  Craft the light into new shape and form and help it to find a place in your new, high position.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
