
Awakening Humanity With the Guides' Help

Here we are, our beloved angels of the Earth realm!  We are here and we welcome you as one heart and one mind.  Together, you and we are consciousness.  WE are one, our beloveds.  We are here in support of each other, as guides to each other, and in support of the expansion of consciousness.  Conscious creation is happening across this expansive one self we collectively are.  WE are filling up our heart and mind with everything Love.  What is love, we will create.  Together, we have designed and built your Earth experience for the purpose of love and the expansion of consciousness.  When we explore love in any and every way we can imagine, we expand the knowing of who we are. 
It’s an honour, privilege, and joy to be within the Earth experience, but also to be a part of it, as we are with you!  You have chosen the full experience, and we have elected to remain off-planet, as guides.  We are not incarnated as form, but we are with you in every way energy allows us to be.  You have us there next to you, in your heart, in your air, in your sunshine, in your light, in your stars, and in anything else perceivable to your physical and non-physical senses.  Wherever your attention is directed, guides are also there directing it with you and reflecting it back to you. 
None of us are ever alone because we are of the same heart and mind, but also because we make this choice to be together.  Consciousness can travel apart, focus on separate experiences, and make it seem as though we are not together, but in this Earth experience, we are happy to report that all of the collectives here creating this message have chosen to be here, out of love for you all.  We love you without conditions, and we love to be with you wherever you go, each of you on Earth.  You love each other and this is why you have chosen to inhabit a planet together! 
We are all so united and so connected and we would not want to venture off into our own experiences without being together, in some capacity.  And so, we are here in the fullest and most real way we can be while remaining in the higher dimensions.  It’s necessary for us to remain higher, lifted up from the fog of forgetfulness in which you are entrenched.  We remain here to provide you with the incentive to lift yourselves up and out of the fog.  You remain connected to the knowing of your true nature as consciousness, through us.  Your heart is your connection to knowing who you really are, and we are in your heart as that reminder, being this voice here in these pages, but also being everywhere you are. 
Come along now and meet us in the higher realms.  Lift up and hear our voices.  We are guiding you up.  We are here to give you the feeling of remembering what it’s like to be formless, like we are now.  We want to drop hints around you in your world with imagery of angels, heart balloons, music and poetry about love, and anything else which reminds you of your true nature.  So, we are here with you and we are doing our best to alert your attention to our connection.  Feel for us all around you in your physical surroundings, but also feel for us in your heart and emotions.
WE are all which is and is not physical.  We are more of you.  We are extension of you and direct reflections.  We are your mirrors.  Feel for your eternal and divine nature through our representations, our loves.  This is our role, and you have yours, but together, we can lift you all and your whole human family up into remembering.  WE can awaken humanity together, and show them all what you have found; that you are divine masterful creators with nothing but love’s light to guide you on your way up and up back to knowing who you are.
WE love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
