
Crossing the Bridge Into the New Earth

Our loves and our divine lights of Earth, hello and welcome to you all!  We love you and we are here in great numbers.  We come out of the compassion and love we hold for you in our hearts.  We come to you now because you called, as a collective.  All of you are in a position now where you are crossing a bridge from the old into the new.  It feels like loss to leave behind much of what you find comfortable and normal, but there is no loss when you consider where you are going. 
You are creator Gods, each one.  There is no fear anymore to meet change and look it in the eye because you choose what to bring with you from the old world.  At one time, before you knew on any level that you were creating your own reality, you thought change meant the release of that which you held dear.  There was no choice but to let some of the old fall away because you didn’t know you could bring it forward with you into your new life: Your higher self was running things while you remained unaware.  However, even if you had been aware, you weren’t ready to make these types of decisions, then.  Change is about growth and advancement inside of your Earth experience, and with that comes a gentle progression. 
Earth is letting you experience progress, sweet angels.  The old, unaware version of you believed that you’d like to wake up to peace on Earth, overnight.  If you could choose, most of you would want that; a snap of the fingers and all is well.  But now that you understand the experience and how growth lends to our collective expansion of consciousness, you are willing to move through the transition and take all the steps required to get to the other side. 
The other benefit of the slow stroll across the bridge is the time you have to make choices: You can envision your new world while also feeling what you love about your present world.  There is no hurry to jump into anything until you have had a chance to feel it out, and this makes for a more well-rounded experience, more befitting to the mission you have created for yourselves.  You are walking this bridge and you can visualize it as something physical, while we discuss it.  Humanity is moving across together, and you are stepping into a new dimension of consciousness.  The waves of energy are already sensed as you progress further, so you have the great joy of feeling your present energies while also being drawn into what’s new, ahead of you. 
Enjoy this position, while you can.  You are choosing what you want to bring with you to the other side, and you’re doing it with your newly attained senses and awareness.  This is a new way to feel for what kind of world you want to live in, and it involves much less action than you’ve become accustomed to.  The human collective is creating the new world internally.  You are creating the vision in your hearts, and the vision is uniting you as one.  Out of the internal vision comes external creation, and action is the last piece of the puzzle.  Doing isn’t necessary while in the creation stage, and this is unfamiliar and new to you as a collective.
Tap into your new senses because more awareness is available now that you have reached this pivotal position on your bridge.  You are creating something new and using new creator-abilities, so gently enter into this foreign territory with openness and a fresh perspective.  Let the new wave of energies roll over you and guide you forward, but also don’t forget what you are leaving behind.  You get to choose what stays and what goes, so take your time.  Only together do you know what you want, so hold your position and allow your collective to join you by sharing their hopes and dreams.  Unite and become one in the heart, and shape your new world from the love and vision of each one. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
