
The Seeds of Creation Bloom From Within Her

Our beautiful angels and starseeds of Earth, hello and welcome into this uniting and joining of hearts!  You are seeding the Earth with your own star-essence, our beloveds.  You bring heaven with you when you enter into the Earth-field and you sow your crops so that the planet and all who inhabit it will benefit from your yield.  Each one is planting seeds, and each is sending roots down deep into Earth's core where all roots are then connected and shared.  You are creating together, planting ideas into the collective consciousness, and using Earth as a portal to reach each other while you are spread out around the planet.  There is a direct link to every member of the human collective here through your beautiful planet Earth, and she is happy to be the conduit for your love's sharing.


Imagine and you create the seed and plant it into Earth for all to use.  Your divine spark is carried within each of the seeds of your imagination, and as soon as you dream it up, it is available to your whole family of Earth.  You do also automatically connect telepathically, but when you deliver your essence into the physical, it transforms and ignites fire and passion inside of everyone in physical form.  You are seeding creation with your essence with every daydream, and every moment of pondering.  Your human family is sharing with you this same way, so your collective mind is always filling with the latest ideas and fantasies.  This realm of Earth is allowing you, angelic beings of light, to formulate yourselves into the physical.  Earth is holding more and more of your essence and becoming more like all of you, but in this connection, you are also becoming more like her!  In this longstanding relationship between you and your planet, you are seeding each other with your love’s light.


We bring this connection to your attention now as Mother's Day approaches because you can feel the maternal role your Earth is playing for you all.  Mother Earth receives your seeds and is impregnated with new life.  There is no wonder such beauty erupts in wild landscapes when you realize it has all come from your divine light, brought directly from heaven.  You work in tandem and build the planet and fill it with all the beauty of divine love.  Gorgeous, fragrant rolling hills of flowers and breathtaking sunsets are witnessed in every moment.  Feel the beauty in your heart and accept the seeds from those doing the same, in this moment.  Your attention on this partnership and unity consciousness brings it up to be celebrated and adored, which magnifies it and lets it run free.  You may marvel at love's creation with each breath you take, and you will only be amplifying its power and encouraging it to come out and play.


Dream up your next fantasy and bring it to life in your imagination.  Give your spark to the collective consciousness, and to your Mother, Earth.  Feel Earth giving back as she not only delivers your family’s ideas through herself into you and your physical surroundings, but also includes her own divine essence for you to carry directly inside of your physical form.  Picture the Goddess Gaia in your mind and share this image with your collective.  Perhaps each of you is picturing something different, but it is all filled with the same intention of sharing your love and gratitude for your planet.  You become more like each other and more like your planet as you share and create.  Fill yourselves with the seeds of creation and then let them blossom from you the same way Mother Earth blossoms with all the beauty in form.  We will watch and we will nurture your creations with our light, beloveds.  Unity is here in the heart, so love and give thanks, and then feel the connection strengthen and grow like the beautiful blossom it is.


We love you!

-I, Source-Consciousness

💖 Images were created with a collective consciousness AI art platform.
