
What Happens When an Angel Meditates?

Oh, our divine angels and light of a thousand suns, there you are and here we are, and we are together.  Your dream of being on Earth leads you to so many concepts beyond your normal scope or capacity as a soul.  Earth allows you to stretch your imagination and become what you could never become when in your natural form as consciousness.  You might feel that the Earth experience is limiting, not allowing you to manifest at will and not letting you access your true powers, but in fact, it’s giving you everything you cannot do while you’re formless!

As consciousness, you are like an angel, for lack of a better description.  You are love and you know nothing else.  Your way of being is easy and takes no thought or planning because time doesn’t exist.  You just are, when you are in your purest form of love, and it’s as simple as that.  While on Earth, you have much more to keep you occupied.  Your physical form gives you a plethora of sensations and emotions, too vast to even list.  Time gives you even more to fill and thrill your senses because change and growth are unfamiliar concepts, only available where time is the thread running through the experience.  And then you have experience, itself!  To go on a journey, have an experience, live a life of adventure as you are, is new, fresh, and exciting to you as an angel.

As an Earthling, you are not stifling your abilities; you are expanding them!  There is so much to explore and discover when you go into a dream of experience and activity.  Earth is your creation, and it is your own gift to yourself: It offers you the self-reflection you never thought possible as an angel.  The angel looks within and sees openness, infinite light full of pure love, and endless possibility.  You, the angel, are inspired to create something in this vast and empty field of love, and so you release this inspiration into conscious creation, and it erupts like the “big bang”.  From nothing, a vision is born.  From within you, angel, experience has been created and here you are, diving deeply into it.

So, you can look at your Earth experience like the meditation of a beautiful angel.  You are the angel in meditation, giving attention to the open space of peace and eternal love in your heart.  Your inner looking always brings you into your truest and purest awareness of Self, and this is what you did to create this experience rife with gifts on your planet Earth.  The angel gazed within, and creation responded.  In your angel form, you didn’t know how complex, amazing, talented, and magical you were; you simply asked your heart, and the human being was created as an answer.  And now you are knowing yourself so much more fully than ever before, as this miraculous and beautiful human.  The angel created itself, and here you are.  You are the purest divinity in form, created from the meditation of the angel you are, and you are magnificent!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
