
Allow the Now

Hello, our sweet angels of Earth!  Welcome and thank you for being with us here in this joint creation, this message for you and for your whole collective.  We appreciate your contribution to these messages!  You are reading and so that means you have arranged these words for yourself.  This is no different than any condition within the moment which has also been pre-arranged with your loving hands, for your beautiful self.  Careful consideration has gone into preparing the moment for you to step into, and delicate care and attention goes into positioning it precisely in the right time and place. 
You are here, right where you wanted to be.  It’s your choice to have the feelings you have, to be the human you are, and to experience all you encounter in your life’s events.  A soul is a God-particle.  You are God and so you know exactly how to create the moment with yourself in mind, while also including the rest of us in your creation.  We are all deciding on your moment while we each decide on ours, too.  WE make them blend together into a soup of perfect experiences for God, which is us, as one.  So, we can trust in what’s happening right now because we trust that God is the one and only master creator!  As one, we bring ourselves just what we/God wants, in perfection.  So, as many, each one is living perfection of this divine mastery occurring for all.
Come into joy for what we have designed together.  Feel the acceptance for its perfection.  Appreciate and allow your creation to unfold for you and for us.  This moment, including where you are on your spiritual journey, is exactly as planned.  You sometimes wish to be free of the human traumas which have a hold on you and seem to interrupt your growth as a soul.  WE know that you wish to perceive your life through your soul’s eyes, as the angel you are.  The angel has no trauma and is in full acceptance of whatever is occurring in the moment.  You are holding just the right blend of human and angel, as you have planned, sweet loves.  You are being human while allowing, accepting, and appreciating the experience from the angel’s perspective and this is where you wanted to be, for this moment. 
Allow, for now.  You will only become more evolved and find greater ease of acceptance for your life as you travel along on your journey, but for now, you can allow the blend of human and angel you’ve chosen.  You are God, connected to every God particle, just like you’ve always been and will be eternally, no matter what experience you have.  Your level of spiritual advancement in the human experience doesn’t change this connection or this core being of you.  You are God, you are a being of Light, and you remain this throughout any experience you choose.
It’s all advancing and moving into the experience of your dreams.  Hold those dreams because there is a reason you are having them!  The dreams of your perfect life are driving you forward and giving you the inspiration that you need while you are a blended human/angel.  These dreams are also there because they ARE on the way and they WILL unfold when you/us/God choose, but right now, you are where you/God has chosen to be.  Allow the now.  Allow now while you also know that your dreams are on the way!
WE love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
*“WE”, when written in all caps, is our way to let you know that YOU are included in what is being delivered in the statement, but also in all of OUR messages.  We create these messages as one, so writing WE is an alert to notice it while you are reading.
