
Dare to Believe!

Angels, our guiding beacons of light on Earth, we greet you and offer a warm welcome as we come together here in this moment!  This precious moment is our very own one single moment, and we love each other so much that we choose to spend it together.  This level of love is so great, angels.  This love is off the charts!  There is no measure to the love we have for you, and which you have for us, and there are angels here for you beyond a number you can count. 
Look at what we have and then feel into our potential!  You lived a life up until now where you didn’t know about this love and this help surrounding you, and yet here you are, our loves; you survived even when you walked so blindly and felt so alone.  Even without being aware of any guidance, or perhaps even having no religion to get you through, and without signs or access to your intuition, you still came out alive.  You had moments which seemed confusing and bleak, and you were so distraught and lost, and you had nowhere to direct your faith, but you still persevered somehow, didn’t you?  You’re here today, so then you did it.  You pulled through, somehow, and this is a testament to your strength! 
Our loves, we know you might look back into those moments in your life and criticize yourself for not being aware of the love and guidance available.  You do sometimes wonder why you didn’t shake yourself awake and tell yourself to use your heart to find the answers.  You wish you didn’t have to endure that pain you went through, and you shake your fist at your past self!  We can see how you would perceive it that way because you have awakened now and you do know that help is available, so why couldn’t you have done it sooner, in those moments when it would have helped so much?  Well, you know the answer as well as we do, our lights: Divine Timing and the Soul’s Plan. 
Your soul has steps to take to get you to the position you want to be in.  Trust isn’t just given; it’s built.  Your journey is for learning and returning to oneness, and it wouldn’t be much of a journey without a path to walk on.  In a board game, you don’t jump to the end square without rolling the dice several times and going through obstacles, trials, tests, and many other experiences first.  There is a path to take, and divine timing is crucial to making the journey fit with your soul’s plan. 
Even when you weren’t aware of the love and guidance available, you believed and you had faith.  Yes, you did, even at your lowest point!  You held onto the hope within and you kept it alive, and you had no one to show you how to do that.  This is all you, beloveds; you’re so strong and so brave for walking alone and still holding faith.  It’s a very risky thing to do when you believe while knowing it might not happen as you wish.  You know what lies in wait if the wish doesn’t come true, and it’s scary to expect emotional hurt and trauma when it all falls apart.  Many, if not most of your wishes, never came true.  It hurt but you kept going.  Do you see your power? 
So, with that background showing you how courageous you are, you may now step into the light and walk your path with renewed faith and trust.  You have come out stronger, and now you know about this team with you, all here to help you.  So, dare to believe!!  Dream big!!  There is nothing to fear!  You have dreamed big even before you knew about the help available, and you came through with flying colours.  But now you can believe in anything you want and know that fear has no hold on you.
You may dream big and know that you won’t be let down if your wishes aren’t fulfilled, angels.  We are here to remind you about your divine plan, and we will help you when it hurts.  You will never need to hold any trauma again, not like you did before.  But even if you do hold it for any length of time, you’ve seen yourself do this and so much more in the past, so you know you can do it AND SO MUCH MORE, NOW!! 
We love you.  We have faith in you.  We are here for you.  WE LOVE YOU. 
-I, Source-Consciousness
