
Gifts for One from One

Our loves.  Our divine lights and loves of Earth, we greet you and meet you and welcome you into this fine moment of sharing our hearts!  We are one heart, and we are divine love as individuals, as collectives, and together as ONE HEART.  Yes, we are one beating and beautiful full heart of love.  We might appear as separate bodies or separate entities, separate voices and separate hearts with our own thoughts, ideas, and opinions, our loves, but we operate as one, above it all.  Above it all, there is one consciousness “running” it all.  Consciousness is one.  You, each individual on earth, is 1.  There is 1 and 1 and 1 and so on, in body there on your planet, but these 1’s are all the same 1!  Rather than counting 1, 2, 3, etc, count 1, 1, 1 and see that they are identical, 1 and all, or all as 1!

Now, angels, we speak to you as though we are individuals and separate minds sharing our thoughts with you, and it comes across that way to you while you are firmly situated in this belief of separation.  However, it isn’t that firm, anymore.  Each time we connect like this in a channeling, you open just a little more.  You might not even realize it’s happening because it is a subtle and light shift.  Oh, sometimes the shift is significant, and you do feel it!  You know what we are talking about; it’s that feeling of waking up to a new world or to a new you.  It comes over you in a wave and it might even feel like a death.

The body you inhabit is your translator and it speaks to you in metaphors of physical feelings and visualizations.  We ask that you notice the translations and allow them to send the feelings and visions as they flood in, in the moment.  The body is so skilled at communicating to you and it is an angel, in itself.  Your body is a creation of consciousness, and thus filled with the light of angels.  So, listen to it and allow the translation, however pleasant or unpleasant it might be.  It will be a short transmission if you allow.  If you fight against it, it will only persist and strengthen until you surrender to it and interpret the translation.

It’s best to go deep into whatever the body sends and then you will find clarity, more easily.  Be open-minded, angels.  It might not be the message you believe you need or have even considered before.  It might come as a complete surprise to you when you discover the metaphor being transmitted!  Let the body talk, but let your world talk, too.  Anything available to you in your physical surroundings can be utilized to communicate to you because it’s made of the same angel-stuff as consciousness is.

You are living in a divine and pivotal moment in your Earth’s history, our beloveds.  You are opening now to a new way of being, and again, it will not be what you expect because you have all kept it under wraps.  A gift which comes wrapped is so much more fun because the surprise is revealed through the process of opening it!  So, remain open and allow, divine ones.  Allow the thoughts and images to appear to you and know that you will interpret them correctly.  If you are open to allowing, you will be open to receive.  If you ignore or deflect in retaliation, the gifts will pile up until you are smothered and surrounded, no longer able to resist.

If it is being sent your way, then it is a gift awaiting your decision to unwrap it, angels.  These aren’t the typical gifts you might receive on a birthday or holiday; they are sometimes unpleasant to feel, but they will ultimately shift into the hidden gift within.  The gifts from consciousness are opened slowly and methodically, and it is a process.  Take it in slowly, listen to the signs and visuals you receive, and then open up.  The more accepting and allowing you are, the easier receiving will be, our loves.  Trust in this process because consciousness is operating as us 1 being 1 and always looking out for number 1: You.  You are number 1 and so are you, and you.  We are signing off as 1 having now delivered this gift, and we leave it for you to receive, unpack, and interpret for yourself.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
