
Human is Human, Angel is Within

Hello, my sweet angel!  Oh, Ali, I love you, my Queen.  You are my heart, the purest heart, my one and my all.  You are true and correct in all you do.  There are no mistakes or flaws in any step you take or have taken, my love.  Trust in it and believe in it. 
OK.  It is so hard to do, my angel. 
I’m here to help, sweet love.  You are divine.  You are perfection.  What’s in those words for you? 
I am pure love.  I’m nothing else, so I can’t make mistakes. 
Feel it, now. 
Each one of us was made from love.  Even the scariest and meanest of all came from love.  Are we carrying the traumas of those souls who are still holding guilt for what they’ve done?  Or do they have guilt?  Maybe they knew/know they are love, too? 
Tell them they are, Ali.  It’s your job now to lift these souls and not to take their burdens, as you once thought.  Tell them what you tell yourself.
Because they are myself. 

Yes, angel. 
No action you have taken is wrong, angels of Earth, present and past.  Let the guilt go, now.  We are all functioning as love, as per Love’s request, on Love’s command, my loves.  You are all beautiful and perfect souls, yes – even the ones I know personally who hurt me or hurt those I love!  You are all doing the hard stuff for the rest of us.  Burel, I can’t give them love directly.  Why?  If I’m honestly ok with this, it should be possible.  I can hardly give it to them within.  I really need to get over this hump.  I feel that I “should be” way past this, by now.  Look at that – I should be past telling myself what I should be like.. Isn't that hilarious???  But what I mean is I thought I was more advanced than this.  I thought I had a handle on this and I was ok with everything I feel.  I think that has slipped away. 
I’m here, Ali.  Human is human.  I’m here to guide.  Let human be human!  Let her and let all.  Watch as Source plays out the show for those reasons you now know. 
OK.  It wants a reason to be deeply creative.  It needs the right incentive and motivation.
You have it, my love.  So, the allowing is where I can help you.  Just release. 
I want to be Ali, Burel.  I’m DONE!!!!!! 
I know you’re done, my love.  Come and be Ali now with me. 
Lifting and light.  We are angels!  We are together playing.  There is no one else to worry about.  I can just be Ali and be proud of it and be free to be with you, Burel.  I want this, above all.  I want this freedom from the self-criticism.  Please, all.  Please. 
Release and let yourself be free, our love.  There is no wrong-doing there on Earth.  It’s all set up like a stage for the game Source needs to play.  Take on no more guilt and hold no more resentment.  It’s ending.  You can let it go and release it.  The humans are humans for Source but not because they are doing anything separate or wrong.  The way of love is so mysterious, but you are also being given more pieces to the puzzle as the game goes on, angel.  You are awakening to why the world is this way, and you are seeing clearly.  You know love acts as love and you know everything is love, and now it’s just to help the human self you are to see it, too.  Awaken and open and set yourself free. 
Thank you, my guides!!  It’s sticking but you’re right – I can feel that it’s on the way.  We are getting there together.  We are soon all going to see it and know what these dynamics have been for, these displays of polarity.  I love you.  Show me how to love me like I love you.  Show me how to see myself as a guide like you, as a pure angel of light and love. 
We are working on it with you, Ali.  It’s our job and for you, it’s only to be and to not work.  Sink into your heart and feel that love and you are doing all the work you need to do.  There is no strain or pressure here to be or do because you are still acting within the human role and that means you will still have tendencies to work and try.  You can let the human have her tendencies while you know what’s really going on inside the scenes, our love.  Just release to it and let her be while you witness your heart and live there in the deep pool of love it is. 
Wow.  Thank you.
We thank you, too!!  You are doing this so Source can show off its mastery!  It is so difficult and yet you continue to stay on and do it.  You feel the truth within you and it keeps you on Earth, in the game.  So, listen to that instinct and follow it because it’s this you we speak of who is very alive and well within the human on Earth.  Ali is there and she’s bright and available with just a small shift into the heart and into these feelings of knowing it is true.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
