
It's a Matter of Love

Hello, our darling and cherished angels of Earth!  We are here as your guides and team of loving support while you go about your Earth journey.  We are love with a voice.  Love is all around you because it is you and it is everything else, too.  Love is all matter, love is all energy, love is everything in between, and love is all that matters!  Feeling who we are as love is top priority, but it’s also the only way we know how to be.  This is why, beloveds, it feels uncomfortable when we try not to love; we are going against our nature when we choose to try not to love. 
On Earth, you get to explore this effort.  You have equipped yourself with a human body which is full of feelings and this body lets you know when you are moving against love, or when another is moving against the love you are!  It feels off-balance when you move against love, and it feels unnatural.  Any state of rejecting the self as you are is an effort to reject love, and it is impossible.  However, the human existence allows you to explore what you can’t explore while you are the energy of love. 
While you are matter, a human in a body, you can create these attempts and you can feel what it's like to deny love and claim it doesn’t exist.  On Earth, you have moments of time with which to explore this effect, and the motion through rejecting love to accepting love can appear to have a path and a process.  You can feel that you were traumatized in your lifetime, and you can feel the path to healing that trauma.  It is a gift you have given yourselves to experience the illusion of love missing or love lost.  As energy and soul, we are love and we do not have the option to experience something else.  Matter allows us to make it seem that there is something else, and this is intriguing, new, and interesting to the soul. 
And now here you are, sweet angels, right in the middle of this journey you have created for the purposes of exploring love and the rejection of love.  You are at the part where healing is happening, and this means you’re on your way back to knowing yourself as the soul, as pure energy, first, foremost, and only.  There is a mix occurring at this stage of the game, and you are still enjoying some of the human dynamics at play while also uncovering the truth.  You have always been this soul energy, but it was lost in time and matter so you could act as though you were able to move against love.
Regret nothing, sweet ones!  This is our decision as the energy of love we are together, as one.  You are delving into your carefully designed creation, and you are exploring it to its fullest extent while you are in it!  It’s your pleasure and delight to know time and matter, and it’s your divine design to make it seem like a discovery when you remember that love is all that matters.  It has been a difficult and trying journey, as you wished, but it’s getting easier and easier to see what it means to know, be, live, and breathe only love.  It isn’t what you thought, but it’s becoming clearer.  Love asks for no sacrifice and it asks for no change.  Love means accepting yourself and others as you are as soul and as matter in this time and place.  Fully appreciate the gift of this journey while you can, and enjoy each new discovery to come! 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
