
Love and Life Intertwined

Love is here.  Love is with us.  We can enjoy bathing in love’s waters.  The tranquil and serene cleansing purity of love surrounds us and fills us.  We are nourished and we are fulfilled by love and it’s in never-ending supply.  So, take it and take more.  You can’t fill up and you can’t run out!  Let love soak you; drown in it until you can’t breathe.  Love takes your breath away because breath and life aren’t needed when you have love.  It’s a reminder, when love leaves you breathless and makes you feel like your heart stopped; love is saying that life isn’t love.  Love stands on its own and it sustains you.  All which is given with a life is something love is exploring, but it isn’t maintaining your survival or existence.
Human relationships, human language, being in person together, and interacting in and with your physical world are themes for love to explore, but they do not create or prolong your physical life.  The way you engage with your surroundings is for love’s exploration, but it does not give you existence.  Life is an experience while existence is an eternal way of being.  To be is to know you exist, and you do that whether you are alive in a life experience or not, sweet ones.  We see you hanging onto life as if it is precious and as if it is what keeps you going.  The idea of life being precious has been impressed upon you by figures in authority, and you can shift it into an even greater new perspective.
To hold something as “precious” implies that it is fleeting and has a definite ending, an ending which comes without warning.  It keeps you living in fear, and this is a way of the old world you and your ancestors were a part of.  The new world is for those who know they are eternal and have no reason to rush or work hard so they can earn the next moment for joy and play.  Joy and play ARE life, no matter what you are exploring or experiencing, and the new human is awakening to this way of knowing and being.  Existence isn’t precious and fleeting, so you can breathe and relax into your experience without needing to “make it good while it lasts”.  The moment is yours, it’s your gift, and you recognize that and make it the fullest, but not out of fear; the moment is for the pure joy of being love, and you know it is eternal. 
You can allow your eternal nature to trickle into your physical life experience more prominently now that you have this basic understanding of life and love.  There is much you take very seriously about life which can be released.  The rules you’ve been taught about your physical world can be set free.  Death is not an ending.  The clock is not ticking.  Leaving a legacy behind isn't required.  
Social and financial status aren’t a concern.  Karma is not threatening you.  The soul is eternal and self-guiding; there is no higher power in control of your soul.  
Release these and any other fear-based locks which bind you in life’s stories.  Free yourself from the clutches of fear and rise into existing as love.  Be love on Earth and live your life as if it is your soul’s existence and not your body’s clock.  The life of the body may be fully enjoyed and this is its purpose!  You are meant to play, breathe, relax, and be free in life, like a soul in an experience, just as you intended for it to be.  We want to set you free inside of your life, and take away all which is so serious and keeps you from play and enjoyment.  The words and the actions aren't so important; the intention behind your reason to live is what matters.  Live as the soul, free of burdens, full of play and light-heartedness.  Seriousness can go away and, in its place, insert joy and play!
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
