
Love is Weightless

Hello, beloved ones!  Welcome into this joining of hearts and this expression of love for you all and for us all as one.  We love to feel the oneness we are, most especially when we connect with you there in your physical realm.  Some of us, as members of consciousness, have chosen to experience who we are in more solid states of matter, while some are choosing to experience who we are as the essence of being without any physical components.

The highest and purest consciousness of love is without any measure.  It can’t be measured because it is weightless and without any distinguishing physical structure, not even as detectable as the lightest known gas in your world.  Love is nothing and everything, and everything is therefore nothing!  When you give weight to something, or give it validity, you are doing much like we brought forward recently, and you are going against your nature.

We spoke about the matter of love, angels, and suggested that to feel the ability to be, act, or move against love is uncomfortable because it is unnatural.  Assigning weight to anything physical is uncomfortable too because it is like saying nothing is something, which is untrue, which feels heavy and cumbersome.  Assign less value, less weight, and less importance to that which burdens you and you return to your nature and feel lightened and weightless.

While in the human body, senses are designed to tell you there are stationary objects around you which have mass and are unmoving, but your senses just can’t perceive movements as small as the vibration of molecules.  Without a microscope handy to look at everything in your world, you are unaware that it’s all in motion, moving and changing, constantly!  Even your body isn’t ever in a still state of being; it’s made of love, and it is in a constant and rapid state of fluctuation and transformation.  Moment to moment, you are renewed, and so is everything and everyone you perceive.

We would like to invite you to use your body’s senses to perceive the solid world, anew.  Allow eyes to see what the world truly is and let yourself know that everything is empty and weightless.  Look, but see with eyes which are also not there!  Touch with hands which do not exist.  Be love sensing love, one with everything, being nothing.  The solid objects you perceive around you are a miniscule part of everything you and your world are.  If you must put weight on anything, put more weight on the weightless!  You don’t need your eyes to change and give you the ability to perceive the vibration of molecules making up all matter surrounding you; you may sense that as the vibration you are and in the knowing of the love that you are.

All things are one with love, all things are full of the feeling of love, and you may perceive all things as love without using the physical body to do so.  Use who you are as the weightlessness of love to know the weightlessness of your world, as love.  It’s easy to detect because it’s a feeling without any mass or structure to give weight or measurement to, our angels.

Lighten.  Return to your nature and let the weights go.  The solid matter around you appears to take up the vast percent of what you are and what you perceive, but it is only the physical senses telling you this is true.  The majority of what you have around you is essence, feeling, spirit, light, and love.  That which carries weight is so small and even in that, there is motion and love filling its composition.

Feel the motion, the weightlessness, the release, and the lightness of your world through the purity of love you are.  Make it less important, and you make it less heavy, thus becoming lighter and taking weight off your mind, heart, soul, and being.  There is only love here, and in matter or not, we can all perceive it because we are it.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
