
Love is Zero is Emptiness is Now

Beloved hearts of Earth, we are with you and we love you!  It’s our extreme honour and pleasure to be with you and to transmit some words which capture the essence of the energy here where we reside in emptiness with our other friends of higher consciousness.  We are full within our emptiness, our loves!  Look at your symbol for zero which is also the symbol for your circle.  Zero may be added or it may be removed, depending on how you choose to use it.  You can create your most desired number by using or removing the zero, such as our Ali’s favourite number 52.  When looking at the time, 10:42, she can say it’s TEN + 42 = 52.  Or, when looking at 10:51, she can say it’s ONE + ZERO + 51 = 52!  The zero is there when you want, or removed when you want. 
Compare this now to your world and the emptiness within it.  You can choose when emptiness is most desirable.  Look again at 10:42 and 10:51, our loves.  1 + 0 + 4 + 2 = 7.  Does 1 + 0 + 5 + 1 not also = 7?  Then whether you add zero or not, whether you add emptiness or not, you GET THE SAME RESULT.  How can this be?  Well, we have been discussing what exists in your physical world and what does not.  In relation to the zero, as many as you add to other numbers, they are still empty.  In your world, LOVE = ZERO = EMPTINESS.  You can add more and more emptiness and be left with only emptiness.  Add more love, and you are left with only love.  Adding zero to zero gets only zero, but not MORE zero!  You have zero added to zero and you have the same zero.  You have love added to love and you have the same love.
The circle represents the complete wholeness and entirety of something.  It is a fully enclosed and continuous line around emptiness, just like zero.  The line travels for infinity with no end or beginning.  This infinite line encircling emptiness, or love, is the moment of now.  Now is love, now is emptiness, and now is eternal!  Now is the circle of love, and it is whole and complete.  You are complete in your emptiness.  You might add physical matter to the emptiness of the world, but matter is also empty because it is made of love!  The tangible world, the world of emotions and past and arguments and patching up relationships, is love.  If love is zero and emptiness, then everything tangible is also zero and emptiness which means it ISN’T REALLY THERE.  It is there when you want it to be there, when it suits your reality like 10 + 42, but if you know that it equals the same thing with or without the zero/emptiness/love, then you know that THE TANGIBLE WORLD IS THE SAME THING AS THE EMPTINESS.
What we are after here is to show you that there is no difference between us here in higher consciousness and you there in a seemingly physical realm.  The metaphors we use to display what is real and what is not are meant to guide you to the higher perspective you already hold within.  You are higher consciousness, but you have a tangible world around you which tells you it is SOMETHING and NOT NOTHING!  When the truth is denied, when you attempt to tell nothing it is something, alarm bells ring and your body fires up in exclamation, “Hey!  Take a look at what you are claiming is truth!!”   
In moments when the physical world feels heavy, return to the emptiness and assign the label of “Love” and “Emptiness” to all which appears to be something.  The world is love and emptiness, and you are the highest consciousness.  Bring your attention back to the whole and complete circle, the zero, the love, and notice that adding more only brings you more of the same emptiness you started with.  You cannot make something out of nothing; it remains nothing.  We have made it appear to be something for physical worlds like Earth, but it’s all love!  Feel it and know it in your highest being, angels.  You will feel the release and freedom as you lighten and drop the weights which have only been added because you have believed that something could come from nothing.  There is nothing there; there is love, and nothing more.
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
