
Making Love and Birthing Unity Consciousness

Hello, divine lights, our loves of the Earth plane.  Here we are and we are ready to transmit a sharing of love, hope, and peace for you.  This sharing of hearts and divine consciousness is one of great importance and value to us all, including the human collective.  This type of message, which comes through channeling, is for you, but it’s contributing to all of consciousness, as well.

When we give of ourselves this way, via an energetic transmission, we are sharing a piece of who we are with the rest of consciousness, and it’s how we plant the seeds of ourselves into unity.  When you contribute a sharing of yourself through any means of expression, our loves, you seed your collective with yourself.  Your energy is implanted into those who receive it, and unity begins to be structured.
The act of lovemaking on Earth emulates the way we are sharing ourselves, energetically.  “Making love” is the phrase and it’s so apt for both acts!  The metaphors are endless, but to name just one, we can say that the power of love overwhelms us to the point of needing to express it in some way, and so we give of ourselves to others.  Passion for love takes over and we have no control; we need to express it in whatever way we have available within the experience we have chosen.  In our present experience, we have no bodies with which to make love, but we express it to you and plant our seeds energetically, as ideas.  A part of our consciousness is now in you, growing, and about to be born into your world.

Through energy, our seeds are being planted, sweet loves.  We give of ourselves, and we energetically impregnate the rest of consciousness, thus creating a unified child of oneness.  We are all parents, birthing a new embodiment of love through the energy of each of us, shared into oneness.  Inspiration is spread to others who receive your love, and a part of you is literally implanted into another each time you send the seeds of yourself into creation.  Your ideas are tiny seedlings within another’s being.  Ideas made with love grow and are birthed into reality, whether that reality is physical or not. 

You will see the results when you express your love, our angels.  When the passion is so strong that it takes over and you can’t resist, you will share love and it will be planted into all of consciousness.  When we share love, we make love, and we create something new with it, unique and unlike anything ever born before.  Love inspires the passion of expression.  Love births creation.  The urge to express love is the instigator and ideas are planted as seeds of unity consciousness.

Let’s share who we are and propagate love and create a melting pot of divine and heavenly consciousness within our respective realms.  We are birthing new creation, but we are doing it as one and uniting in creative expression.  We make love into something new when we express love, so we invite you to join us in this full, untethered expression where love can be set free to grow into the beautiful child of us, the unity consciousness which it is destined to become.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
