Hello, divine ones!
Our loves, our sweet hearts of Earth, we are here with you, and we send
you warm hugs, loving smiles, and comforting thoughts. We admire you and adore you, our loves. We see you all there as our beautiful
children and we want to encourage you and coax you to fly like a mother bird
coaxes her babies. We don’t want to do
it all for you because it isn’t how you learn to do it on your own. We want to help you to see how amazing you
each are, and to show you that you can find your way by yourself because you
are more than able!
Some of you had a very different upbringing than the one we
describe, and it can seem like you were put into a situation out of punishment
or above your ability to cope. Our role
in your lives is to show you that you can be a parent to yourself and give
yourself the love and encouragement you feel you missed out on, angels.
You are free to perceive your life in any way
you please or in any way which feels like it helps you the most. If you choose to see your childhood as a
mistake or one which should have been another way, then you may do that. However, if it feels terrible to hold
resentment, regret, and blame, sweet ones, then you are free to release
it. We can help you with this, and this
is how we want to show you a new way of parenting yourselves.
As a child, if you felt you were trapped in a prison with no
way out, it was only that you weren’t aware of the guidance available in yourself. You didn’t know you could change your
perception. Even now, you might struggle
to see your childhood as the most perfect one for you, with the most perfect
parents for you. You might have regret
for not seeing it differently then, and for wallowing in self-pity or wishing your
life was different, but please release that regret and come into gratitude.
You are here now with a new set of abilities, and you can
change everything in an instant by changing your perception in this instant! It isn’t too late to look back on that child
who was unaware and be the parent to them like we are being to you now. Tell your young self it’s ok that you didn’t
know! How could you know that you had a
way out, through the power of your mind?
You did your best, little one.
You enjoyed the butterflies, your crayons, the sunshine, your dreams, or
whatever it was which made you smile, even though you thought you were lost and
Hug and love your little self and explain that the path was
chosen and played out in perfection. You
went through every step so that the person you are now could find this
ability! As the soul, you looked down on
the Earth and you picked an experience because it was the one you wanted. You said you could land there on that planet
and turn any hard situation into something wonderful and full of peace. And you are doing it, now. As you sit here with us and read these words,
you are this person because of the child you were in the family you chose.
Be the parent to the child you were and let yourself know
that this is all happening as planned, sweet angels. You landed right where you meant to land and
there has been no mistake. Begin to open
to the reasons and see how you have been shaped by your experiences, for the
better. You are wise and bright, and you
know about your abilities and your power to rise up, thanks to all you have
experienced and thanks to everyone who helped you to have them!
There was no loss and no crushing of your soul; there has
only been a plan to create the masterful human angel with the power to see love
in all things, people, and situations.
You are that powerful angel, and whatever your past experience has been,
it was arranged in divine perfection so you could develop and transform into
this divine version of yourself.
Replace regret with gratitude and show your child self how
to do it, too. You can be inside of
those memories now without fear and turn them into joy because you will see how
you needed them to be just like they were so you could become this amazing You here, now.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
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