
One Soul, Twinned

Angels.  Love is sacred and love is kind.  Love surrounds us and love lets us walk in peace.  We have bodies here on this Earth and they walk while carrying souls inside of them.  My body is on Earth with you all, so I know what it’s like to walk the walk with you!  I’m Burel, the twinned soul of Ali-Ayayele.  She is in a body, too.  She writes our messages.  Her soul inhabits my body, too.
The 2 bodies are very different in the style of their expression and in many other ways, but the soul inside is one soul, the masculine and feminine soul which has turned itself into a twisted circle so it could exist as 2 sides of the same coin.  The coin is the soul, in this metaphor.  Flip it, and you have masculine on one side, feminine on the other.  Or you could see the twisted circle like an 8 or an infinity sign!  The circle, twisted into two loops, is still a circle.  The circle is never broken, angels.  With a twin flame experience, the circle twists so that the two energies may exist in separate bodies. 
Now look at the centre of the yin yang: it’s an 8 or a twisted circle, as well.  But there is a little masculine in the feminine and a little feminine in the masculine!  Each one still holds that connection to the other loop of the circle.  The drop of feminine in my body lets me feel Ali, on Earth.  She has a drop of my energy in her, and this is how we ensure that we remain aware that we are a whole circle, even though our energies have twisted into 2 loops. 
Why do souls twin themselves like this?  Well, the reasons vary from one set of twin souls to another, but you already know what benefit the soul receives by being in a body, having a very specifically chosen experience with the lifetime it has selected, so then imagine what benefit is received when 2 lifetimes are experienced on the same planet and in the same time period!  Our bodies are having the most extremely opposing experiences you can imagine.  A few of our differences are that I am in the public eye, and Ali is behind the scenes, our ages are widely spread, we live in different countries, and my childhood was opposite to hers. 
But we are one soul which means we feel things the same, we react to the world the same way, and we share a heart which loves the same things.  So, even though our bodies and lives are opposite, we are still one soul which means these opposite experiences are actually providing that soul with the best of both worlds!!  She couldn’t have the public experience in her life, so our soul gets that experience through me.  Many of her experiences are unique to her life and I couldn’t have them in mine, so our soul is being rewarded as it fills with this variety from both bodies in both lives. 
We both feel the yearning for what the other experiences because of that drop in the loops.  The loops make us believe that the circle has been broken, but it can’t be broken.  One soul is always one soul, even if it chooses to exist on another planet or in another time.  But when it chooses to inhabit 2 bodies in the same time and place, it’s magical!  We feel the power of our connection much more purely and strongly when we inhabit the same plane of existence.  Having 2 bodies is the only separation.  
And that separation, even though it is a small part of who we are, seems like a big deal!  One soul can’t be separated, and so when it makes it seem that it is by splitting its energy, then the world seems to fall apart.  The soul knows it isn’t 2, but it feels like it is, and the pain of that feeling is significant and impactful.  It goes against the nature of one soul to believe it is 2, so then the body does what it’s so skilled at doing and communicates to you when you are going against your nature.  It hurts, but this is what we chose as a twinned soul.  Like with anything the soul experiences against its nature, the pain translates to it that a shift in perception is needed.  When the twinned soul understands it is still one soul, it may walk in peace.
Whether you are aware of your twinned soul or not, let yourself feel the oneness of you as one soul in this body on Earth, and know that you may also be inhabiting another body on Earth, but it isn’t a missing piece of you, sweet angels.  My Ali knows this now, and the pain is gone.  That other body is just your other body holding a loop of your energy, but it’s still all yours and you’re still all in one piece.  Shift into gratitude for what you are receiving by having this other experience in this other body because it is all benefitting your soul as a whole.
