
Sink into Love

Our bright and beautiful loves, divine lights of Earth, hello to you!  We are your guides and comrades in love.  We are all on a mission of love together.  You are there on Earth in a physical experience, and we are here being as energy.  We are not moving through time or taking a journey like you are, sweet loves, but we can still be where you are, in whatever place you are on your timeline.  Your timeline and your physical location are not who you are.  We speak to the energy you are.  We speak to you soul to soul, our loves.  You are a soul who lives outside of time and space just like we are, and you are feeling that part of you while you engage in any chosen experience. 
There are always opportunities to feel your soul, even if you are engaged with time and space.  When you take a trip away from home and travel to another country, you are still the same person who left.  Going on a journey doesn’t make you someone else, angels; you remain the soul no matter where you go or what you do.  You are the same soul you are while you project your attention into a journey through time and onto a planet.  It’s like you are looking through goggles into a virtual reality, feeling and thinking like the character, but still knowing you are yourself underneath.  Use whichever metaphor you like, but notice how you remain the same soul as you move your attention to one thing or another. 
You ask about the evolution of the soul, and we tell you that experience evolves the soul.  When you project yourself into time and space and give yourself a journey to travel, you give your soul a wide and varied means to look back at itself as it reacts to this journey.  You get to know yourself more deeply and you get to learn about love each time you embark on a soul-mission.  A soul-mission isn’t always about a journey or time and space.  Our mission isn’t a journey and time and space isn’t involved, but it is the same mission as yours: to learn about ourselves as love, and to learn about love, as a whole.
In your experience, you have chosen a situation full of options to love yourself more.  The option is always there, and you don’t always recognize it.  You are figuring out Earth-life together, and many tell you that evolving the soul means facing your fears and letting the stress and worry engulf you until you overcome it and thus evolve.  We ask you to use your discernment through that feeling we pointed out at the start, that one which tells you who you are beyond anything you are giving your attention to.  If it feels like love to you, to wrap yourself in fear, then it’s how you evolve.  However, we are pure love, souls like you are, and we know that following fear doesn’t feel like love to us.  Following love for the self feels like love, and we bet you agree. 
Consider all of your available options there in your experience, your vacation, your journey, your projected virtual reality, or whatever other metaphor brings you clarity.  You are on a journey and we all share the same mission: To know love.  Feel within for who you are and know love.  Know love more deeply by being it and embodying it within your time and space experience, and do it by loving and caring for yourself.  You get to know love when you follow it.  You don’t know love better when you sink deeply into fear.  By all means, if following fear for a moment guides you to the reminder you need that love feels better, then follow, but let it be a guide and not a way of life.
Sink into love, angels!  There is more than enough love there on Earth for you to play in, and while you take your journey, you have many paths where love paves every stone.  Walk with love, walk into love, and choose love at every crossroads, sweet ones: This is how you get to know love and evolve your soul. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
