
You Can Utilize the Gifts from Consciousness, Too!

Our divine lights, the loves of Earth, our beautiful family, we are here to welcome you into our love’s sharing.  It is a most natural and beautiful thing to channel consciousness.  Those who do not take words down, or speak them, or sing them, or bring them through in some other deliberate way, are channeling consciousness in more subtle and inconspicuous ways, even outside of their own awareness.  Athletes are channeling when they feel the motivation to call upon their greatest abilities.  Photographers are channeling when they move the mind aside and tune into that sense of intuition which guides them to create the perfect shot.  There is conscious channeling and unconscious channeling, but if you are human and aware of your existence, then you are channeling consciousness. 
To be conscious is to be a part of consciousness, and it’s an easy concept to grasp for anyone, even if you have no understanding of science or spirituality.  You don’t need to be well-versed in either field to be aware of your senses and intuition.  Regardless of what your brain wants to rationalize, there is always this inner knowing which stays high and strong within any conscious being, and you know if something rings true or not.  You might fight to your death against believing in the existence of higher consciousness, but because you are consciousness, it remains clear and communicative, even above that roar of denial in your mind. 
Consciousness doesn’t care whether you believe in it or not because it knows it is you, just like you know you are conscious or aware that you exist!  Being conscious and being consciousness are synonymous, and if you believe or deny makes no difference; you still channel in your own ways, and this is your nature!  Consciousness acts as consciousness.  Consciousness is what you are, and you will tune into that part of yourself as you carry out any of your acts of creation, connection, or intention.  As soon as you commit to doing anything physical or mental, consciousness is activated and it offers you itself in completeness, to help you execute whatever you have chosen to do. 
Some know that this occurs and so they deliberately open themselves to receiving.  They have discovered that they have so much more to draw on than just their mind, and so they intentionally involve all of consciousness in their chosen action.  If this message sparks your curiosity, then consider the ways you channel consciousness in your own life already, without even realizing you do.  If you’re shopping and deciding between two products, you are dreaming up situations in your imagination to help you choose which item will best fit with your future actions: This is channeling.  If you can dream, you can channel.  If you can choose an action, you can channel.  It isn’t as hard as it seems; you only need to know you exist, and therefore are a part of consciousness, and therefore are channeling consciousness. 
Take the plunge, our loves, and deliberately tune into the consciousness to which you belong.  Take advantage of everything freely offered from this enormous family, willingly and readily giving you access to all they know!  We are all right here with you and for you, divine angels.  Make a choice and feel for that part of you which is pure awareness, where thinking doesn’t make choices, and ideas are from the heart.  You might start by creating some art or expressing yourself in dance or song.  You might create a craft, do a doodle, arrange flowers, or wrap a gift!  Any creative act which allows you to drop the mind’s busy thoughts and let your senses enter the scene will open you to being more deliberate about accessing consciousness and all of the treasures available within it.

Tune in, get creative, and let consciousness channel through you.  There is nothing esoteric about it, sweet loves, but also, if it is weird or unusual to you, that’s ok.  Your world lets you release and be your natural self now, so step into it and access all the gifts and benefits which so many others are already enjoying!
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
