
A Natural Awakening

Our divine angels of Light, here we are, and we are with you fully and completely.  You are also with us in your fullness, sweet ones.  Not one of us can be divided from Source-Consciousness and so we have found a way to feel as though we are divided by dividing our experience into many parts.  As One, as God, as Source, we are One, undivided, but One may have as many experiences as One wants.  Within those experiences, it feels as though there are individual parts and pieces having the experience when in fact, it is only one having many experiences.

Loving ones, each of you is an experience Source is having.  You may associate very closely with your individual experience, thus coming to believe you are an individual, as well.  This was intended and is effective.  You identify with your experience so personally that you become a person by all senses of the word!  You appear to be unique from others and you have very personal feelings and ideas, and your journey is all your own.  There can’t be any other story exactly like yours and it is very special, so you take ownership over that and claim it as your pride and prize.

Within your experience and within this belief that it is yours alone, it becomes difficult to perceive another way to be.  We, your guides, come along and suggest that you might not be an individual, and you sense a threat which wants to take away your uniqueness and your prize-journey.  You have put a lot of love and care into this experience, and you own it, and we are not attempting to take that away.  In fact, sweet ones, we want you to embrace what Source has given and indulge in this life where you feel individual, unique, and separate.  We are doing this, too.  We are finding a way to take pride in our experience while also releasing ownership over it.  You may recognize your unique experience as one of Source’s experiences and then share in the joy of it with the rest of your One self: You still own it, but we also all own it because we are all one.

So, divine ones, we ask that you lighten your perspective and imagine that you might be living many incarnations as your full and complete self, as God.  You are in fact living ALL incarnations as God, and you own them all, but you may still closely relate with the specific one you have chosen and follow the path laid because it is what you have designed.  The experience you have selected as God is a unique and individual experience meant to be embraced for that reason: Each experience is so unique because One has created it for the purposes of feeling uniqueness, individuality, and separation.

One is so interested in this dynamic that it went even further with it in the Earth experience and created divisiveness.  The more each experiencer is split apart from Source, the more it wishes to return to oneness, and you might see now how effective this is at guiding us to the one we are.  We are skilled at creating reasons to yearn for oneness, but also, it’s impossible not to yearn for it because we are it.  When anything tells us we are not one, even if it’s our own creation telling us this, we still know we are and so there is no way to completely convince us otherwise.

The whole you is situated there within your experience.  You are not a piece of God; you are entirely God.  Another experiencer whom you can witness there next to you on your Earth is also entirely God.  None of us are divided into pieces and we all share in all experiences.  We can so closely relate with your journey because we have claimed it as our own.  We know what you are going through, and this makes it possible for us to share words like these which speak of our oneness in a way which you can understand.  We know that you have come to own your experience as an individual because this was the plan, but the plan is also to awaken to awareness of your greater identity.  The plan can’t help but steer you that way because, as we have stated, it’s who you are!

There is a beautiful period of feeling separated and it leads into the next beautiful period of knowing you are not, and this is the joy of Source’s experience.  Source loves to take advantage of any chance it can to know itself more deeply and thoroughly, and you are feeling that same longing within because you are Source.  This is how you have found yourself here, becoming aware of your identity, our loves; you share your uniqueness with all of us and you are simply awakening to knowing about it within your unique experience.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
