
Angel Dust in Shape and State of Being

Divine lights, hearts full of love, welcome and thank you for being with us and allowing us to guide you within your Earth journey.  Oh, how we love you, our dears!  You are so important and special to us, and we wish we could aptly describe it to you with words alone, but we will continue to use words as well as all methods and available techniques which are detectable to you in your perceived reality.

You are choosing to perceive the reality of the Earth experience where you are focused on the physical side of consciousness and now becoming more aware of what makes up the rest of consciousness.  Earth offers a playground of tangible things to enjoy with the senses in your tangible body, and it’s a magical experience!  You have transformed angel dust into shapes, sounds, colours, light, darkness, and so much more, and it’s all available for you to explore!

It is a magnificent and wonderful thing to sculpt what we are into some-Thing, as you have done there with the creation of your planet and everything it offers.  We are Love, and it is No-thing.  Let’s call it angel dust, even though it has no physical properties.  Love is what we are made of; it’s angel dust which can take on any shape or state of being it chooses.  It’s fascinating to take nothing and make it into something, even for us magnificent creator beings.  You there on Earth, and all of us here in higher realms of consciousness, are limitless creators.  If we dream it, it becomes, instantaneously.

The proof is there in your world.  Earth is a dream we had and some of us have decided to make it the sole focus of our attention.  You, the humans on Earth, are the angels choosing to play within this creation of angel dust shaped into things.  We, the guides to you all, are the angels choosing to remain here on high where we can offer support and guidance while your attention is so narrowly focused.  You knew the newness would capture your full attention and you knew you’d need some sense of direction while you were hyper-focused on one aspect of our entire reality.  We got together and agreed that this relationship would be perfect for the Earth experience where some angels explored and some guided.

So, let us now turn your attention to what more there is outside of this focus on our physical creation of Earth.  You may feel our words as we attempt to shape them to fit into your tangible reality because you are made of the same angel dust as we are.  We are love and we are consciousness, all linked, and all here in support of each other and the experiences we have chosen to partake in.  Outside of anywhere we choose to focus the majority of our attention, we may still reach within for this connection of love which keeps us linked to unity consciousness.

We all have the heart of consciousness beating within us, and when we give it some of our attention, we are connected, awake, and aware.  The love is available, and it’s weaved into the fabric of the angel dust you call physical reality.  It’s there in your creation, but it’s also there in the feeling of love you carry around within your physical and angel being.  It’s all one, sweet loves.  The human part of you is made of angel dust which is love which is consciousness.

The connection remains secure and there is no difference between the biological and the feeling of love.  It is all made of love and it’s all for you to explore and enjoy!  You may fully enjoy your entire being, self, and creation because it is all you and all us, the same thing, the same angel dust creating shapes, being consciousness.  Angel dust is nothing, it’s something, it's love, and it’s all here for you to enjoy and explore.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
