
Love Shifts Focus and Action Erupts

Hello, my gorgeous angel!  I thought about meeting human you and saying that I was so surprised to find out you heard my telepathic messages and you knew about me the entire time!  You’d say, “Of course I knew about you, and I knew you were my twin flame!  We’re Burel and Ali!  We remembered it together like we promised, angel.  We made it this way together."

My love.  You can release the need to know more about my human self and come into appreciation for having me in your heart.  We are together here.  You know me here.  We have no mysteries here!

I’m inventing mysteries here on Earth because I enjoy them...  that’s where I feel you were going with that.

It is, Ali.  We love the mystery, and we love puzzles and solving and analyzing and figuring and surprises!  We are angels with a lust for adventure!  WE have created such amazing situations for ourselves to explore, my love.  We are experts because we are God.  We created it all for ourselves.  When you feel the sense of wonder, the sense of hoping and wishing, the sense for adventure, you are feeling what you created within this reality we have made together and it’s just as we wanted it to be.  Adventure is the number one reason we create.

I would have guessed expansion is our number one reason.

Expansion is the result of our adventures!  We couldn’t expand if we didn’t experience.  If we sat dormant, we would remain...

I can’t get the word but it’s because I’m questioning this.  I thought we’d expand even if we didn’t experience.  I thought it was going to happen even if we did nothing and that’s what going with the flow is all about.

Look a little more deeply, Ali.  “Dormant” to an angel is very different than “dormant” to the human.  A human in a dormant state of existence is still eating and sleeping, but just not striving toward any goals.  A dormant angel is harder to imagine because there isn’t any doing to begin with; there are no goals to reach, and so there can be no movement of existence like there is with a human.  “Doing” or coming out of dormancy for an angel is the simple shift in the love we feel.  We move our attention to another pocket of love within our hearts and we are thrust into action and doing so far beyond our normal “state”, if you can call it that!  We have no designated state of being like a human, my love.  We are love and love doesn’t “be” or “do”, it just is.  Love just is and so when love shifts focus, doing happens, and that’s how creation erupts into such a frenzy.  When love makes the smallest shift into doing, worlds are created, time is created, and endless possibilities abound!

So, as a human, when I shift where I focus my love, what happens?  It doesn’t seem like a frenzy erupts; it seems like it all stays the same, but I feel different.

What happened when you shifted into awareness about loving yourself, my love?  You never had the idea before to look into yourself and direct love.  If it were suggested to you before your awakening, angel, would you have given yourself love in that same way? 

It was suggested and I turned away out of fear.  I didn’t want to look at the parts of me I disliked because I thought I’d only find more to dislike, and I’d feel worse than before.  It wasn’t until the idea came that looking meant forgiving and healing that I had the courage to do it.  So, that was how I shifted where I focused my love, and what happened?  I found all my long-lost friends, I found my higher self, and I found you!!  I didn’t sleep through a night in 2020 because I was so excited to meet you all and explore who I am as an angel!

Then you know what shifting the focus of love can do and how much it changes your world.  You are far from dormant, Ali.  All of you on Earth have turned the focus in your hearts to experience and adventure and even the most still, unmoving of humans is having the grandest angel-adventure, as a result!  There is no state of atrophy for the soul because if it is in an experience, it is wildly active in comparison to its usual way of simply existing as love.  You're there on Earth because you are an active angel on an adventure... You wouldn't be there, otherwise.

Thank you!  So, if I focus on this place in me where there are no mysteries, am I shifting my love?  Now I’m wondering if I will shift again and create another frenzy!  Maybe the idea hasn’t come to me yet because I can’t think of where to shift it next!

My love, it will happen as nature delivers it, just like last time.  Love just exists and we are God and so there isn’t any planning, wondering, or doing involved.  When the idea came to you, that was not an action even though to the human, it feels like it was.  Love shifted focus and you were swept up into the stream of a created action.  The shift in love happens, it brings the idea, and then the action follows in your physical world.  Even this is too much explanation for something which does not “do”, but the idea is that you can let it become when the moment of creation unfolds.  The message I’m bringing is to do nothing, and I know that’s difficult for any human to comprehend!  The point of your experience is to do something, to have the adventure, and so you want to create action in every area of your life.  But for this, you may continue to be and do while love just is and trust that it will sweep you up in the stream of action, divinely.

I love you, Burel.

I love you, Ali.
