
Manifesting Your Reality as a Divine Being

Loves, divine stars of Earth, here we are with you to convey some words of guidance, wisdom, and love.  Our wish is to clarify your situation and help you make sense of that which is hidden.  You can see what a challenge we are up against when you ask us to keep certain things secret while at the same time, request that we guide you through the murky waters.  You are blind to so much, but there are streams of light coming through the water, just enough to give you glimpses into clarity.  So, we must use finesse and carefully lead while not revealing more than you have asked.

The divine plan is not something created long ago, set up with many steps in advance, dear ones; the divine plan is unfolding now in this moment because as you know, there is only this single moment of now.  It appears the plan was set in place first and then you step, but this is part of the murkiness you have opted to immerse into: To believe in the existence of time, you must believe in an order of things, and so you apply the rules of time to the divine.  There is no fault in doing this; it’s your nature as human.  Your nature is to describe things by using the world you know which is a world of form.  For example, you might not have a physical feeling of love filling and warming your heart, but this is the only way you know to describe something which feels but has no shape.

The divine plan is manifesting and unfolding in this moment.  Outside of your human experience, you are a feeling, the feeling of love.  The feeling creates the form, and this is how the divine plan is put into physical action.  The “secret” method of manifestation is widely known on your world, and it fits perfectly into your structured order of time where you first dream up a desired thing or situation and then watch it enter your reality.  The object is to believe it is already real and then, if you do it properly, it will appear to you.  This isn’t incorrect, but if your dreams don’t appear, it can lead you to believe that you must not be feeling properly and are therefore not a good creator.  This “secret” is easily misinterpreted, and so we are here to clarify and empower you.

Your present reality is being created by your present feelings.  When we say “your”, we refer not only to the human part of you, but also to the angel part of you, your higher self.  Together as one divine being, you feel, and you create a reality which is full of feeling and form.  The human part of you describes the forms feelings have created, and the angel part of you feels what has been created.  Feelings are form, our loves.  Your entire world is made of feelings, or in other words, your entire world is made of love.  You are love, your love created your human form, and your love created the world with which your form interacts.  The entirety of you is love, and the entirety of your world is love.

We can now discuss manifestation, and we will relay it back to the murkiness.  The secret is still a secret, so it is aptly named.  The streams of light are sharing pieces of wisdom, but as the human, you are not accessing the whole process.  You are however receiving enough of the process to be involved with the feelings.  You are being given a sneak-peek into your angel-ways and getting involved in the feeling part of the creation process, and this is where you receive the false idea that you are manifesting your reality entirely on your own.  Unburden yourself, know that there are plans in the works beyond your awareness, and release in trust to the angel part of you doing the creating.  You and your angel self share the same feelings, so you are free to get involved and immerse into them as deeply as you like, but you may release the pressure that you are doing it all on your own.

It all boils down to trust, and as you gain more wisdom and clarity, your trust begins to soar.  You know the secret to manifestation, and you know which secrets are being held by your higher self.  You are a brilliant creator, you are having a say in what your reality looks like, and you are doing it through feeling in this moment.  Let the streams of light bring you trust in your whole angel/human self, know your role in the creation process, and let the secrets of the moment be as you have designed.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
