
Surrender to the Flow

Angel.  We’re all here and available when you are ready to transcribe a message.  We are here and ready.  It is now.

I feel the energy flowing over me like I’m underwater and the atmosphere is heavy enough to support me if I lean back into it.  I can float on this reality and let it carry me wherever it will.  Reality knows where I want to be or where I’m needed for myself and the collective and it’s carrying me.  I don’t need to do anything to allow it because I can’t do anything!  If I imagine it like I’m living in the ocean, the force of the water is so strong that it is pushing and pulling me, washing me up wherever I'm supposed to be, even if I’m kicking and screaming against the current.  I can make all the waves I want, but the power is stronger than me.  It’s so much better to just accept where I’ve chosen to go because then I’m not fighting something which can’t be fought.

I feel this so strongly now.  I trust so completely!  I thought yesterday’s message would be about this, but it wasn’t.  It seemed to be leading in that way and then it went in another direction!  Here we have the perfect example of the current!!  I can just allow whatever comes in to be what is best for me and for all of us!  But it IS what’s best or else it wouldn’t be!!  And if I fight it and believe I'm influencing it, I'm actually not influencing it because it was already planned!  Anyway, I can go into semantics all day, but it won’t change the flow.  I’m in it and not fighting anymore.  I will just let go and let it carry me.

WE love you, Ali/Angel!!  Burel is here and he says he loves you and will always carry you.  You never need to do anything, sweet love.  Trust and follow.  Lay into the stream and relax.  In this state, you will find enjoyment in what you receive.

Ah, yes!!  This is like that recent post about choosing how to react.

Yes, sweet love.  Just rest into it and be joy and then it will come to you as the gift you meant for it to be.  You only want your human self to recognize the gift faster and easier.

I feel that!  OK.  There doesn’t seem to be anything else coming in.  I’m going quiet and listening, but the flow isn’t taking me into something more than this.  I’ll let this be all for today, then!  I love you, guides.

We love you, angel!  WE love you all.
-I, Source-Consciousness
