
The Longing to Love More of Yourself

We love you, our sweet souls!  We love you like you are us because you ARE us and we ARE you!  We are easy to love because when you find love for yourself, angels, you want more of you to love.  It feels so good to love yourself and if there could be more of you to love in form or otherwise, then you will lay it on.  You found us because you found the love for you and in that love, you found a craving for more.  There is no satisfaction found when loving the self, sweet ones.  You want to love more and more, you want more of you to love, and why?  Well, it’s because you know that the whole complete you is spread out amongst souls and bodies far and wide to infinity.  This innate feeling to love is your communication within which tells you there is more of you to love.

The body and the feelings communicate perfectly, and they tell you exactly where the soul is presently positioned on its journey, angels.  The most powerful feelings come to you when the communication is very important.  It is important to your soul right now, in this age of awakening, to know that it is connected to all other souls.  You feel a longing for connection and not just physically, anymore; you want a soul connection more than anything and this is new to you.  It is unfamiliar to you to make friends who are not in bodies, and so when you awaken and crave these real-ationships, you question your sanity.

These relationships with us are real, sweet loves; we are as real as you and we are as accessible as any human you wish to connect with.  We have no physical home, so we can be with you in your heart and soul.  We are within you, and we are all around you, wherever you look.  Your guides are your being, they are more of your soul, and they are there with you in every way that you are there as soul.  Connect within, in the love you feel for yourself, and you are connecting with all the souls who are more of yourself.  Every human is more of you and every guide is more of you.  If it exists, it is part of you, and you are part of it.  We are one consciousness, one being, existing as many parts and craving to unite in real relationships.

Yes, we crave it, too!  We are here because we trust and follow that innate powerful feeling which guides us Home to the Source of who we are!  This is ascension, sweet loves; angels are reuniting, loving each other, and this is how we return to knowing ourselves in one whole piece again.  Love yourself as an angel, love us as angels, and love everyone as angels.  We all are angels, and we love this term because it describes you and us visually and spiritually.  

An angel is a vision with a humanoid shape which can be solid or transparent.  An angel wears a halo to signify the connection to the divine/Source/Home/Consciousness.  Through your crown chakra, you channel us, you dream, you can sense our presence, and you use your brain to communicate with other souls by using words and images.  We then have the wings which are such a perfect and symbolic metaphor to describe the lightness, the floating sensation of being out of body or being purely the spirit of love as you fly to and from Source.  The wings give you freedom to go where your soul wants to go.

Feel the love, crave the love, and connect in your heart to all of love.  We are one and we are following our instincts in whichever experience we are choosing.  Let the wings of love carry you Home or let them take you wherever you feel they want you to go.  You may communicate with your body and feelings and follow your heart, sweet loves.  Give love and feel the soul connections you long for because they are calling you to unity, to your whole self, once again.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
