
The Power of Love's Expression

Our loves.  Our divine sparks lighting the Earth realm!  Without your presence and cooperation, there would be no Earth realm to speak of, our loves.  Your existence in physical form is how the planet was created.  You got together as a collective of souls and created an experience in the physical to share in and exist in, together.  As souls, we express with all we are.  With every ounce of who we are as love, we use it all to express to each other and play and work together and be together.

WE live to the fullest of our ability with what we are when we are just the pureness of love.  So, when we create something more to express through and as, such as you are doing there in bodies on a planet, we can’t help but use all of what we are to express to each other these same deep and overwhelming feelings of love!  We want to use our bodies to express, as well as our minds, our surroundings, and that original part of us, our hearts.  It’s impossible for us to hold back because our purest nature remains within, and we use it all to express what we feel.

Emotions are part of the extra abilities we have added for expressing ourselves as pure love.  When we say our expression is deep and overwhelming when not in bodies, these words are not strong enough.  There aren’t words within your experience to explain the massiveness of our love for each other, angels.  If we were to allow these feelings to come through the human form, and we have tried scenarios like this, it would quite literally tear us apart.  The strength of the emotions is too much for any physical realm we have created so far.  We distribute our feelings amongst the senses and into the surroundings and it allows them to exist more evenly and smoothly.  We put our emotions into nature, the animals, our creations, and anything else physical we may access, and it lets them be free so that they aren’t contained with so much force and pressure inside the body.

Human emotions free the expression of our love, and they can get intense and powerful, at times.  Rage can build up, but so can love and other feelings, and emotions let us release when we are inside of a form.  We are passionate beings full of love and it needs somewhere to go, so it will find any outlet available.  Love utilizes everything available to express its power and depth, so in your physical world, you will feel and witness signs of this everywhere you look.  Irrational behaviour is often blamed on love, and it is true!  Love can make one crazy with the incessant need to express it.  We won’t escape our nature, sweet ones, in any form or reality we choose to create.  WE need to set it free, and we will use every available outlet to do so.

In the wild and seemingly outrageous actions and behaviours of the people who inhabit your world, you may now find more compassion and understanding.  You may also turn to your own inexplicable emotions and understand them to a greater extent!  You often ask us why you feel what you feel, and we would answer that it’s the power of love running through you.  Your passion makes you crazy sometimes, but it is only your nature as pure love.

Use your world as your outlet of expression because you’ve created it for this purpose.  Love this big needs somewhere to go, and when you understand it, you find ways to release it and equalize yourself.  Use your world to balance love’s expression, and let your nature find the best way for you.  Show your love, show your expression, and set it free, angels.  You made the world to give love more ways to express, and you may use it to your heart’s content.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
