
Trust Your Higher Self

Our love is with you, always.  We are here with you and for you, always.  We are the guides to you while you travel through your life journey.  We have many types of guides here including the archangels like Raphael, Michael, and Uriel, but there are also so many collectives named for star-systems and planets, and many individual guides, too.  We are such a diverse group, and it is necessary to be diverse because you are all so diverse!  We can fit the best guides with you depending on which vibration suits you, and we can match you with the energies of your soul-family in the stars and on Earth.

You, as your higher self, are making these selections with us, outside of your human awareness.  Much goes on beyond your awareness and so you hold no memory of decisions made and plans laid.  Your path is selected long before you walk it, our loves.  It might seem you have choices when coming to a crossroads, but you have already tried all available avenues with us in the astral realm, and so the choice, while it seems to be an impulsive one or one which is carefully weighed, is already made by your higher self.  You have traversed every possible option, and you have already seen which one takes you where your soul is most keen to go.  The strong impulse or urge in your human body and the pull in your heart, sweet ones, is your higher self showing you the way.  You might challenge this and take what seems to you to be some drastic measure, but even that impulse to be dramatic and impulsive has been planned.

Now, you might feel that you are trapped there in your reality without any free will.  We know it seems that you have no choices about where you are going if it has all been pre-decided!  Well, your freedom to choose lies in your ability to react positively to whatever path you find yourself walking on.  You have the ability to trust your own planned path, and you can be aware that your higher self is you beyond your awareness and memories.  Just because you made the choice before you walked it doesn’t mean it wasn’t you with your free will choosing the path.  Your higher self is you!  You walked all the paths, but the human part of you has no recollection because it isn’t necessary, but also because it would make an already complicated life even more confusing.

We have tried all the scenarios, our loves, and we know what happens when we stray from the present method.  You are choosing the level of forgetfulness because this was another part of your trial run through the many available options.  You rehearsed the scenarios where the human part was given more memory, and the outcome greatly interfered with your divine plan.  Deja vu and dreams act as guides to give you glimpses into the paths you have tried and tested, and they assist in helping your human find peace with your chosen path.

Wishes, hopes, and dreams also assist in keeping you “in the game”.  If there was a wish you could see unfulfilled in the future, you would be left discouraged with no will to go on.  The choice you have to trust your higher self lets you select which wishes to fulfill and which to leave behind.  Your higher self knows the big picture and sees the bigger plan for you and how it fits into the collective on Earth and with all of consciousness, and so you have put a lot of care into which wishes you grant yourself based on all of these factors.

Leave it up to your higher self and accept the level of awareness you are granted.  Trust that every wish fulfilled and unfulfilled is part of your carefully chosen plan, sweet loves.  We are your guides, and we have been recruited to assist your higher self and your human self.  We are a perfect match for you, and you are perfectly matched with us.  Those who understand you best are positioned along your path because we know your most likely upcoming reactions and we know what comforts you and keeps you lifted in positivity.  We are always here and available to show you how to choose love, trust, and acceptance for what your higher self has in store for you, so you can rest and be at ease and allow the plan to unfold.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
