
When Will the Shift in Consciousness be Complete?

Forward, upward, inward, and onward we go, our loves of Earth.  Here we are together in this shift in consciousness.  The shift in consciousness is just like it sounds, sweet loves; a shift in the way we know ourselves to exist.  As human beings, you associate a shift with change and improvement in all areas of your existence, including the reality around you.  Because you live in a physical world, the mention of a shift means that the physical world will also shift.  It’s logical to expect this because it fits with everything you know.

In your world, you create something in your mind and then you build it in the physical.  You also have the changes you make within yourselves which follow the same pattern of imagination and execution.  You imagine yourself achieving an educational degree and then you complete it and work in the related field.  You also change your feelings about a person and then it changes the relationship, whether it means you become closer or grow apart.  In each of these examples, a physical change happens as a result of your creative mind’s design.

You have the awareness that you exist and then you have the mind which imagines, and they are two different minds.  If you were to shift your awareness regarding your existence, it would have an effect on your creative mind which would then influence your imagination and physical world.  However, the shift in your awareness alone does not bring about physical changes because the awareness is not physical.  The brain is physical and creates physical results, but consciousness is your essence as love, so to shift it brings a shift in the love you are.

Come along now and imagine this with us...  You may change your consciousness without changing your physical world.  So, what if your world stayed just like it is, our loves?  If you changed your consciousness, would your world not then brighten and change in the way you perceive it?  If it all stayed the same but you grew higher in love, your gratitude would increase, and you would perceive the same world 180 degrees differently than you did before: Now, the things you held judgement about would become the things you honoured and appreciated most.

You may use your physical imagination to create this scenario just like you use it to create anything else.  Imagine yourself in the same world but you are changed and thus the world is all new to you.  We know this isn’t as exciting as the idea that you will wake up in a eutopia one day after the shift in consciousness is completed, but the irony is that this path we outline IS the path to the eutopia you seek.  When your consciousness shifts, all which is not physical shifts, and then the physical looks like Eutopia to you.  Your ability to see love in anything, whether it’s physical or not, gets a makeover, and you can only perceive perfection in any feelings or surroundings, angels.

The shift might not be what you think or expect, sweet loves, but it is still leading you to the Garden of Eden you long for.  You may release the waiting and impatience and step into the moment of now where you can shift your awareness without delay.  The shift is in you and when you make it, you show another how to make it, and the ripple effect is set in motion.  Soon, you will be perceiving the same reality as something new, and so will all of you, and this is when the shift in consciousness will be complete.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
