
Where the Light Needs Us to Be

Hello, our loves.  We are here with you, and we love you so much.  The light is with you, you are the light, and the light beckons you ever higher.  The light wishes to rise up and to expand out, so you wish to rise up and expand out because you are it!

Our angels, each one is playing a role and serving a purpose for the Light of God, and each one is a fractal of that light of God, so this makes you, each one, a God.  Each of you is the creator of your whole universe.  Imagine that: A unique universe created by each one and unfolding in each moment.  In each of your moments in time, you create a new universe.  This doesn’t dismiss or dissolve the others, our loves; universes are created and stay in place for any traveler passing by to feel, witness, or enter.  However, when you enter, you bring the slice of God you are into the existing creation and you transform it, thus creating another entirely new universe to add to the already massive number in existence!

We bring this information through because it is in you and the light is calling it up.  A version of you exists within each universe and is available for you to step into at any moment.  Because God is one and you are a part of God, you all exist as one.  Therefore, when one creates a universe, all parts of God are included in that universe.  We are part of God and those who are alive or deceased are part of God.  There are universes where you are in spirit form, and others where you sit on councils, guiding your family in Earth, like we are now.  Sweet angels, countless versions of you exist in every universe created.  You might only be a droplet of water in one of them, but no matter how many universes there are, you dwell in them in some way.  God cannot exclude a single part of itself, divine lights.  If there is a creation, we are all within it.

So, are you aware of the other versions of yourself in this moment?  You might not be consciously aware, but you know on a heart-level.  Words like this might sound or feel familiar, and it’s because of the light beckoning within.  The light rises, broadens, and brightens, revealing more awareness of self.  If you are consciously aware of only one version of your many selves, then you can be sure you have chosen wisely and divinely!   How special must this version be if it’s the one you have chosen to focus on, as God?  You are the Light of God, and you are choosing to know only one self in this moment, so that means it is the most and only important version to know for this collective creation.

We are God and our experiences fit flawlessly into the light’s purpose to rise and expand.  Whether we are aware of one experience or many, we can release in trust and rely on God’s perfection.  We may also celebrate the divine oneness for guiding us to the experience we find ourselves in within this precious moment.  It’s precious because it’s the one.  Here we find ourselves, of all possible places, so we can guarantee by God’s light and love that we are right where the light most needs us to be.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
