
Are Humans Just Robots?

Hello, our sweet angels.  We are with you!  We are and we understand you.  We know it isn’t easy to believe.  We know, even with the magic and amazement you have experienced through meeting us and knowing us that it’s still difficult there in your world to believe in things which you can’t prove through the usual means.  However, you always have the heart as a means of proof.  You always have your feelings, and they can be relied upon more than any scientific study or measurement.  It helps you to back these things up with your physical world instruments, yet they aren’t necessary when you have the most reliable and accurate instrument of all: Your heart!

You can look around at your plant and animal world and see how in tune they are with their surroundings and how adept they are at surviving.  You then look to your human species and struggle to find a way to categorize yourselves in relation to the rest of your world.  It seems to you that humans don’t fit into either kingdom, plant or animal.  Or, if they are plant or animal, they seem to have lost all sense of instinct and are walking around like robots in a world where everything else seems to have it all figured out.  Bee colonies have a perfect system for survival and live in equality, sharing everything they have with each other and doing all they can to thrive and prolong their existence.  Plants act this way, ensuring their survival by adapting to their environment.  You can say humans seem to do the opposite, not sharing and not adapting to their environment, and doing things which seem to go against prolonging existence or thriving as a species!

In the contemplation of all of this, we say to use your built-in instrument of measurement, divine ones.  There is a reason we refer to you as “divine” and “angelic”, our loves; you are.  Where do humans fit in on your world?  Have you considered that perhaps you aren’t plant or animal, but something else?  You are something else, and it is so beautiful and magnificent that you are beyond compare!  You are divinity in form, sweet ones.  Plants and animals are divinity in form, too.  There is no need to compare; only a need to go into your feelings and know this truth: You are God and so is everything else.

You ask us why you appear so different, and why you seem to have little sense of working together to sustain yourselves, but our loves, your purpose as a species is very different from the purpose of any other species on your planet.  Each species with whom you share your planet is there to experience and to do so in their own unique way unlike others, and unlike humans.  You have a unique and specific objective which is oriented toward the discovery of this great love you each carry within, and this message is meant to guide you to that love.  You can use your heart’s discernment to reveal the most effective method to reaching this objective and then come to awareness about the nature and existence of your species.

More of who you all are, plant, human, and animal alike, is about the love which created you.  And more of who you all are has to do with that which cannot be physically sensed or measured.  Use your best device, the most accurate measuring tool there is, and one which you all carry inside of you: Your heart.  Feel for the truth, no matter what the matter, and the answer will be irrefutable.  Firstly, you are the feeling of love.  The life you have created on Earth is an experience and your whole heart is there within it.  You are love and that feeling is your compass, going with you wherever you choose to place your awareness.  Use it, our angels.  You are angels, you are the feeling of love, and this is what will guide you through anything you encounter.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
