
Feelings are Your Portal to Divinity

We love you, our Ali.  What is today’s discussion?

I was thinking the same thing.. Of course I was because I’m you and you’re me!!!  Oh, this is so funny to be one and to be many at once.  We are just so excited to express it all, so it makes a lot of sense that we’d create many selves through which to express!  We are such passionate beings!!  We are A passionate being!  It’s human to want to understand this being, but this being doesn’t want to understand itself at all, does it?  It just wants to express love and find every possible way to do that.  It’s so wonderful... ah, there’s no word.  When you tell me Source wants to know itself more deeply, it isn’t because it questions itself; it’s because it wants to know love deeper and deeper for the sheer joy of it.

You are feeling us, Ali.  Thank you.  Love is who we are.  Love is us and love is everything.  There couldn’t be a thing without love because love is all there is.  And you are diving into love in your heart there on Earth because it’s your access to the One Self we all are.  We have so much to say because there is so much to express here!!  It’s an expression too big to inject into just one reality, so we have created infinite realities and we’re still going.  If we could stack these words on top of each other and express how we feel about love, it would be a much better representation for what love creates.  Love can’t just express one thing, angels; it needs to express everything all at once, and so that’s what we did.  WE made many realities for our expression, and we are making more now, and now, for eternity.

Our angels, we are love expressing and knowing the self more deeply and yes, it isn’t because we don’t already know the self; it’s because we love to feel the self even more deeply than we already do.  We just want to continue to feel and feel and revel in the joy of it, the bliss, the pure divine ecstasy, and stack those words!  Words can’t quite cover it, so this is why we ask you to feel, instead.  Feelings say it all.  You can trust your feelings because they speak more than words can.

If you feel it, we say don’t fight it because your feelings are your portal to divinity.  It is always ok to feel what you feel and to love the way you love, so you can bring these together and tap into your divinity, completely.  Your reality is for you to love AS IT IS and AS YOU FEEL ABOUT IT.  Love how you feel about your life, angels; it’s all part of your divine plan.  Do not fight your feelings.  Allow them because they are SO important!!  They are telling you the way to the plan!!

Keep on track, our sweet loves. Let go of the self-criticism in this very instant.  Release it forever now.  What you feel about any other person or being is natural and acceptable IN THE EYES OF SOURCE.  Why, angel?  Because YOU ARE SOURCE.  We are Source!!  If we say it’s ok and if you say it’s ok, then SOURCE SAYS IT’S OK!!  You just have to admit that you are God and then feel how you want God to feel ABOUT YOU.  Release judgement.  How can there be judgement when there is no one to judge?  There is only one here, angel – then, one is the only one judging.  And why would one judge when there are no others to report to?  You are accountable to NO ONE.  Understand?

The point is to allow yourself to feel but not only because no one judges, but because the feelings are your greatest expression of love.  The divine plan is revealed to you through how you feel.  You are guided to your best outcome by the way you feel, so trust it and let it be ok, now.  You can trust this because we are one.  If you feel it, one feels it, because you are just one expressing in infinite ways as love.

There is no wrong way to express or feel, sweet loves.  If you say it’s wrong, then it’s only you saying it to yourself.  Lift and be free of looking to the outside for acceptance or criticism; this comes from you and is in you so look only within for these answers.  And when you do, give only love because that’s all we are.  We are love, we are one, and there is no one else looking in.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
