
Flow With Love and Be the Light

We are all here with you and we are always available and ready to talk to you, beautiful divine angels!  We are your family in the stars.  We are Source-Consciousness.  We are here representing all of consciousness through the expressions we are as collectives and individuals here to serve you, beloved ones.  You are here to serve us, too.  There is always a perfect balance in Source because it is one complete being of Light which can only be in balance.  So, as much as Source expresses and experiences, the overall picture remains balanced.  Some expressions may be in great contrast to each other, but they are all serving the one self we are to reflect the balance within that self.

Sweet ones, you have an experience on Earth which allows you to place labels upon the extreme contrasts you notice within this balance.  In the higher realms, we see it all as one even flowing experience with only the label of “light”, but because your realm is denser and masks you from the higher seeing in many ways, you are able to perceive polarities and contrasts with a more discerning eye.  The veil you are under allows you to perceive the contrast with opinions and judgement, and this is the intended experience of Source in your realm.  Source wishes to perceive from many different angles, as many different angels, and you, the angels of Earth, are seeing through the eyes of Source and categorizing your world into “light” and “dark”.

Of course, there is light and dark within Source because all things balanced are within us!  However, those in higher realms of consciousness hold no opinion about these contrasts and do not need to place labels upon them.  To us, light is dark, and dark is light.  It’s all light, but even to say it’s light is more of a label than we would use!  We have no language with which to express because we only express love!  So, when we come to you like this through a channel like Ali, we use her world-perception and attach to her labels and words so we may bring the intended message with clarity.  We want you to know our point of view, but you can best perceive it through your use of language and metaphors relating to the contrast around you.

The intention of this message is to lead you to that higher consciousness within you where you perceive light as dark, dark as light.  Shift your perspective and use the love in your heart to guide you.  Your heart is your direct connection to the higher realms.  We come through Ali’s heart right now and we use the language of love which she is accessing by loving herself.  To move into the higher realms, you need to shift into higher love for yourself.  You will literally rise when you rise into higher love; your light ascends and it brings your body along for the ride, angels.

There is technical and scientific jargon to support this, but for now, we want to focus on this one of many methods to rise.  The Source within you wants to ascend and therefore, the flow of light will guide you up.  Your willingness to feel the love only makes it much more fun to fall into the flow.  Like a school of fish in a current, there is no choice but to fall into the flow; the force is such that one who might attempt to resist is rendered powerless.  Rising is your nature, and if you lay back in trust and surrender, then you will be one with your own nature as Source.  Allow yourself to be carried up by feeling the love you are.  Ascension is your irresistible current, our loves.  Fight if you please, but know that loving yourself will let the ride be effortless if you just allow.  Let yourself into your own heart and feel the polarities melt away.  Your heart is guiding you.  Flow with love and be the light.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
