
Lay Claim to Your Divinity

Angels of divine light, hear our call!  We’re the guides who come to you from within your heart.  It isn’t a metaphor, sweet loves.  WE aren’t physically there in your heart, but your heart isn’t only physical.  Your heart is all love.  Each one on Earth who claims a soul as Source-Consciousness then also lays claim to the love of Source.  All-that-is, God, or Source is pure love, and to be a soul is to claim ownership of that love.  And when you incarnate as a soul within a form, the form takes on the essence of God, Source-light, and it flows through you from your heart like energy.  Love literally runs through your veins and gives you life.  The light of love was born from within your soul and it fills every experience in which the soul partakes.

Beautiful lights, you are love’s purest essence and you live in Heaven’s heart.  Source has a heart and it fills each of you.  So, this is how we come from within you and speak these words into your being, through your eyes and mind, and into your heart and soul.  We are the mirroring of your soul back to yourself, speaking perhaps for the first time, or speaking again in a familiar tone that you know very well.  You can feel the love in you and recognize the words spoken in that love’s voice.  The voice of love calls from within you, and we are here to interpret and make it clear to help guide you to your heavenly home.  Home has been within you all along, or more aptly, you have been inside of your home, all along.  You are inhabiting form, but you are still this essence of God’s love, still swimming in the eternal ocean where there is no distance between us.

Bathe in our love and let it permeate your body.  Let love be the beautiful feeling you know well and let it overcome.  Your form may come to know and recognize this essence just as much as your soul knows it!  Share all you are with the body because it wants to be filled with home and know love just like you do.  Bring your body into this internal flow and allow it to experience the same sensations.  The body has its own way of sensing love, and it’s a perfect mirror to the soul.  That love essence flowing from your heart and into your veins also fills your cells.  Love made you a physical thing.  The physical is just more of your love-essence, and it just happens to be in shape, but it isn’t something other than you.  So, become familiar with the whole of your soul through being both in soul and in body.  Know your body as more of your soul, and it will remember where it came from: Your cells will awaken and know their divinity.

The heart of love powers your life and being, in soul and in form.  We ask that you unite and claim your divinity on Earth as angels in bodies, our loves!  Know yourself in divinity, through and through, and know each other as God’s love.  This is what we do, and we speak from within you.  We speak as your love, as your heart, and as the mirror to your being, sweet angels.  Come home to the love in yourself and become love on Earth as you are in Heart.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
