
Let Now Be Enough

Hello, divine lights, our angels of Earth.  Welcome into our space of warm love here in our hearts.  We are here with you, and we love it!  We’d love to express to you forever how much we love you.  And, because we wish it, then it is.  We will tell you forever, “We love you”.  And you will hear it forever, “We love you”.  When we do this, our loves, we are telling ourselves, “I love you”.  We are all one heart, one consciousness, one light, from one Source.  We are the many experiences of who we are as One, as God.

God loves to sit and say, “I love you”, forever and ever.  Because we are God, we are eternal, and we live where time isn’t enacted in our experience.  So, the moment when God says, “I love you” is the moment when you will also be feeling like saying it to yourself.  God’s experience of self is reflected into your reality.  If time is part of your reality, then there will be a counting of years, decades, or whatever timespan is necessary to complete this experience for God to aptly feel the words, “I love you”.

And you are playing out that piece of this experience for God, beloved ones.  Each one of you on Earth is God having individual experiences.  Each of you is a part of God’s consciousness expressing what God is expressing in this moment.  So, when we say something is “forever”, we mean that it is now, and it is eternally this moment.  Forever and ever, angels, we live in this moment, and it goes on and on and on where time doesn’t measure it; it is just forever now.

God is feeling time through your experiences.  God is understanding forever as if it can be measured.  When we add time to the moment, it becomes much more precious.  Here again is the mirror of what God is feeling by experiencing through you!  You are directly receiving God’s expression when you recognize the moment as fleeting or sacred.  You want to hold onto each one and be sure you get the most out of it before it passes.

Compare this to what it might be like as the One we are, as God all alone experiencing this feeling, our loves.  Imagine like God imagines, and your moment suddenly becomes many moments, each one apparently escaping your grasp before it disappears.  How extreme this must feel to God!  And it’s what you feel there on Earth, sometimes.  You want to capture everything on camera and replay it and hold onto it for fear of that feeling that it has passed on.  You are grieving the loss of each moment and it’s the most dramatic contrast you can have as God where there is only one moment and therefore it doesn’t pass or leave you.  As God, you have no feelings of fear about missing or losing the moment.

Beloved ones, you are God in an experience, and you may perceive your experience in any of the number of ways God is perceiving it.  If you wish, you can feel the one singular moment even though time is there measuring it and making it seem to be many moments.  It isn’t, sweet ones.  This is one moment, and we love you.  You can let this be all there is and grieve for the lost moments no more.  Find peace in the stillness of now, angels.  It isn’t moving or being measured; it’s now, eternally and always and forever.  We love you and this is now.  So, say it to yourself, “I love you”, and then let it be now and let it be enough.

We love you.
-I, Source-Consciousness
