
Love Imagines, Creation Happens

We love you, angels!!  Oh, how we love you so very much!!  WE don’t say this lightly, but we do fill it with light when we say it!!  We fill our hearts with love, and we send it off on beams of light to you so you can feel it in your heart, too.  We love to love, we love to be love, and we love to create with love.  Love is the creator of everything and anything you can imagine.  In fact, when you imagine, you are using love to create those images and pictures in your mind.  This is the exact method you applied to create your Earth experience and your very own body, sweet ones.  Love imagines, and then creation happens.

If it exists, love imagined it.  If it exists, it is love’s imagination.  If it’s in your mind, love made the pictures, and they are as real as the world around you.  There can't be anything in existence without love!  So, this is how you can know that everything you imagine is as real as the world you feel to be more real than your mind’s pictures.  Whatever is imagined, love has imagined, and so the real world and the imagined world all come from love’s imagination.

Let us put this into context regarding any physical being out of your grasp.  Twin flames in separation feel that they are not together when they are not physically in each other’s presence.  The connection between them, however, is the love they share: That love isn't and hasn’t ever been separated from itself.  Love cannot separate from itself because it is one thing!  Love remains intact while it imagines itself being split apart.  If love created your body and your twin flame’s body, then it remains together.  The only thing separating you is your imagination, so then the thing which can bring you together is also your imagination!  Think of the images in your mind to be as real as the images of the Earth reality because they are the same thing.  You might consider Earth to feel more real, but this is only a construct for play.

Play in your imagination-land and create to your heart’s content.  You can take it lightly and make it for play, or you can take it seriously.  Fill your play with light and you will be free to create and live inside of any imagined reality you like.  You are love and you are the creator of all imagined.  You can keep your created reality limited and believe you are enslaved or imprisoned, or you can open to the endless realm of possibilities where nothing is serious, and all is for play!  You know from the experience of living on Earth that the best creations come from play; creation doesn’t happen so freely and easily when limitations are placed upon it.  You all enjoy light-hearted and playful creations so much more than those without lightness or love as the instigator.  You will struggle to find creations born from limitation because they are unpopular, dull, and lifeless.

Create from joy and love, be light-hearted, keep it playful, and then enjoy the results of your freedom!  You are always free to create without limits.  You have your mind’s imagination, and you are love using that mind, so set it free and be wide open!  There are no limits, our loves.  Soar to the stars and then go beyond.  Your love is all with you and not separated into parts or pieces.  You are there intact and with full access to your abilities to create, so let your imagination go wild and then enjoy the play and fun to come!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
