
Piece Together Your Divine Puzzle

Hello, our loves!  Our hearts are full and excited to be here with you!  We expected each one of you here reading.  We know you by name, Earthly and in Light.  We are your family, sweet loves.  If you read, then there is a bond between us.  You can trust each encounter within your reality to reflect the soul-bonds you hold in the stars.  You can trust your reality to echo everything you are enacting within your soul!  You can expect your world to show up and give you the signs.

As you become aware that there isn’t anything in your world which is outside of this soul-reflection, you get better at interpreting it.  Sometimes, the clarity comes to you much later, but it always shows up at some point along your life path.  A very old memory might suddenly gain significance where it had none all the years prior.  A sudden event or revelation along your path awakens you to new meaning, and within that meaning comes clarity on every past indication throughout your life!  You become enthralled with exploring your memory banks for more missed symbols and you piece together a longstanding series of markers and signposts which were always there but just outside of your spiritual peripheral vision.

Awakening to revelations and signs like these widens your perception.  Where you once overlooked the majority of your life’s events, you now keep vigilant watch for any small indication of your divinity.  There is significance in the smallest and seemingly most mundane situation, and even if you don’t understand it at present, you take note for future reference when you know the next revelation is sure to clarify.  Even old dreams which had an impact but made no sense are now there at the surface for your clear understanding.  Your entire life is and has been a box of puzzle pieces, all included, but awaiting proper placement through your clarified perception.

Nothing in your life is amiss, sweet angels.  You have traversed many a speedbump and pitfall, but each one has been carefully selected to go into your puzzle box.  All the pieces fall into place as you awaken to your inner vision.  You are constructing a complete picture from the pieces of your life, our loves.  Each moment fits inside of your soul’s finished composition, each emotion enhances and colours the pieces, and each awakening assembles the pieces into place.  Your masterpiece of experiences is being created by the moment, and it is yours to complete with every new realization about the meaning and significance of each piece of your journey.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
