
The Angel's Wish

We are all here and we are ready to support you in any way you need, our beloved ones!  We do love so very much to offer words of assistance and guidance, most often when you ask us to relieve the emotional pain or some other suffering.  We excel at offering words to soothe you, words which guide you to your own wisdom, the wisdom which lets you know that your soul has been choosing every experience, including this one where you feel pain and suffer.

Emotional pain can come in the form of grief, loss, waiting, emptiness, heartache, and many others which you are very familiar with.  You are so familiar because you have been diving deep into these emotions willingly for your entire lifetime.  Every human has experienced trauma to some degree, even the most privileged and well-balanced of you.  However, not one angel has come to Earth without intending to feel human feelings and so you, all you angels, are doing just that, to the extent you wish and as often or as little as you wish.  Momentary suffering might be your preference, or the angel you are might want to go through a lifelong trauma, such as in a relationship which gives love and takes it away, repeatedly.  Whatever the intention, you’ve met it and matched it, and perhaps still are because this is what you, the angel you are, wished for.

So, our loves, angels have wishes, too.  You are familiar with wishes because it’s your nature as an angel to hope and dream.  Every part of you as angel seeps through into your human experience.  If it’s loneliness you want to know, then you make it so.  If you want regret, it’s what you’ll get.  We have made it clear in our past and present words that you are the creator of your reality, a God designing your world and every experience within it, so then you are aware that nothing happens without your angel-consent.  You carefully planned and designed every moment, and you want to play in it without anyone interfering, telling you it’s time to stop, or offering to free you from the bondage of your own creation.  To the angel, it isn’t bondage!  To the angel, your experience is pure joy!  You put so much love into it and here you are, finally playing in it and enjoying it!  It’s your angel’s wish and every single detail has been granted because now you are human and loving it!

And this is where your guides come in, our loves; what happens when the angel wishes for the play to end?  Just like the first wish was granted, so will this one be.  Dear guides, you say, I’ve had enough.  Help me find my wings again so I can rise.  And so here we are, and we have shown you that you have wings.  We’ve shown you that you can go up and see from above, from the wide perspective, and watch your angel-friends still at play inside of their wish to have a human experience.  You can look upon them and recognize it because you were there, too.  You adored your human emotions, the pain, the joy, and everything else, and then you wished to come up.  You watched them from on high, your wisdom fully available again, your awareness of your powers as God, but the view was blocked by the ego.  The ego stood in front and didn’t let you see the whole picture, our loves, and you could only see that your angel-friends were unaware; they needed your help to find their wings like you did!  Well, our loves, when the ego took a seat, it was then clear that your angel-friends were signaling to you, saying “We’re not done here yet!!  Don’t tell us the secret yet!!”

Use your wings to fly even higher, angels, and you will know when your angel-friends wish to come up and join you.  Fly up and above the ego which tells you to show off, be the hero, swoop in and rescue your fellow angels, and be the wise awakened angel you are, instead.  The ego might disguise your desire to help as love and compassion and it will be so skilled because as you rise, that part of being human is still holding onto your foot, trying to tell you the wish is still alive.  And yes, our sweet loves, the wish to be human is still alive in you, but it is changing thanks to your new view!  Your wish is to be human, but to know it from a higher level, free of ego.  And here you are, on your way up, rising as the angel while still playing as the human.  There is no harm or fault in any choice or wish you make, divine lights, because it’s all part of the experience.  Those who want their angel-friends to join them are only excited to share their discovery.  Those who feel their experience has been interrupted when you share are only holding tightly onto their wish to keep experiencing. 

Our loves, you’re all angels, and you can all give each other the space to be within your own wish.  Let your angel-friends rise and give them love.  Let your angel-friends play on the ground and give them love.  When we allow each other to fulfill our wishes, then we are showing the ultimate love, compassion, and respect as our angel-nature and human-nature are so skilled at showing, and we may all find the experience we wish for most.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
