
The Many Levels of You

Our loves.  We meet you and greet you as more of ourselves.  You are divine love in form and in spirit, occupying both reams of consciousness at once.  This is but just one indication of your true potential!  Your power is so great that you can be in two worlds at once, experiencing an existence as human while also experiencing yourself as spirit.  On another tier of your mastery, you are also experiencing yourself as many other incarnations of form.  

These many levels of you are scattered across time and space which is also your creation and yet another indicator of your hidden mastery.  You created infinite levels of reality and then you played inside of all of them simultaneously.  In this now-moment, you are being all experiences, all creation, all spirit, and all divinity.  You are being us and we are being you.  We are one and we are many; this is the greatness of our power.

Awaken now, angels of Earth.  Recall your whole self as one consciousness.  Let us unite in heart, body, and mind for this remembrance!  Bring all of yourself back into one whole piece where you arise as creator of all.  Call yourself into this present moment and bring your focus inside where your love lives.  Wholeness of love is yours and ours, and it may be reclaimed simply through our directed focus.

The path of least resistance is the path whereby you move awareness to yourself embodied and in spirit as Love.  The shortest route to remembrance is via the attention you place on your own heart.  There is love here beyond measure or compare and it waits for you to realize it.  To realize is to make real.  Let our words become real to you and let yourself know the truth of who you are, divine ones!  You are Gods in the flesh, and you transcend time and space.  Awareness is a realization away.  Find the truth in you, find the love which reveals your magnificence, and you then "re-member" and come into union with your whole divine self.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness 
