
You Are Fully Embodied as Your Higher Self

And now, sweet ones, we are here!  Allow us to come through and share our love.  Let us move into your heart where your ideas are light and playful.  Take yourself out of the busy brain and into the calm-centred heart brain, angel.  Listen to the mind inside of the heart and hear it speak to you.  The ideas are so different!  As the human inside of the soul’s creation, you are filled with your own unique ideas, sometimes different from what the soul might come up with.  This is why you have created such a being for yourself to incarnate as.

As a human, you can use the brain to think up ideas and they will be based on your ego, but you can also use your heart to dream up ideas and they will be love-based!  The free will given to the human lets you create ideas in ego or in heart.  Ego and heart ideas are so different from each other, but the higher self will consider them all and then come to a decision with the human regarding which idea to choose.

Your human self doesn’t remember consulting with your higher self throughout your life, but every idea you have for your own journey is always carefully weighed as the united front you are.  You are one, and so no decision is made by the human alone.  You feel that you are exercising free will, and you are because you are both angel and human there on Earth, deciding on every idea as one, whether it’s ego-based or heart-based.  But there isn’t a time when the human is wandering aimless or alone, making decisions without the higher self’s input and guidance.  Your higher self is always considering your ideas because they are both of your ideas.

Higher self and human are one, so even the idea doesn’t come from the human alone.  You are your higher self completely and fully embodied!  Ideas from the brain or from the heart are from you and your higher self.  You are both choosing the next step, and you are also including your entire soul-family when you do.  Every human there on Earth operates as human and higher self.  Every idea born is born of the soul and considered amongst soul-family before it is put into motion.

We know regret can flood in when you consider past choices made of ego.  Release, our loves.  Ego-based ideas came because you and your higher self birthed them together.  There is always some reason the higher self will agree to carry through with ideas, even when regret is predicted as a likely outcome.  There is a reason for the experience of regret, or loss, or any other response the human calls “unwanted”.  The higher self, however, sees greater value and moves forward with ego-based ideas where it’s apparent that love will arise from these experiences.

This is why we passionately promote heart-looking, angels.  The more heart-based your ideas are, the more they are aligned with the love of the higher self, and the less unwanted responses will be required to move you to love.  Make all of your future ideas heart-based and then only experience the resulting joy and fulfillment amongst all other responses your human self enjoys most.

You are fully embodied there as your higher self, and you can bring more of the experience of this part of you into your daily world by moving all ideas through your heart.  Choose love in all areas of life and be more aligned with your higher self on Earth, our loves.  You will be filled with more compassion and understanding for your past ideas, you will be more resilient and adaptable to your present and future ideas, and you will relate more to the higher self part of you, overall.  We want to see you thrive in love and as love, fully embodied, because you are already, sweet loves: You are your higher self there on Earth and if you choose to live from the heart, then you will know yourself this way, too.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
