
You Are the Light. Bring it!

Here we are, sweet angels.  We’re here with you in this swirling energy of love we are.  We have no outer bodies, but you do.  We know there is a great difference between our experiences in this moment and so we come to you with that awareness in mind and we make the words to fit into your experience.  We have an experience which lets us choose any time-moment in any reality and we choose this one with you now wherever you are in time, reading this.  We have found you at your point in time and we have made these words for you to fit into this time.

Our intention is to bring Light into your reality at the points where it is most needed, our loves.  “Light” can have so many different meanings!  We wish to enLighten you; to bring knowledge and information.  We wish to lighten your burdens and make your existence feel more comfortable.  And then literally, we want to bring light to your world like sunshine.  We want your reality to be cheery and bright in all moments, full of light!  Light is synonymous with Love, and so when we bring Light, we bring Love.  A light way of being is a compassionate way of being.  When you are filled with the light of love, you shine that love on everyone around you.

Let’s bring Light to the meaning of “everyone around you”.  EveryOne.  EveryOne is One.  One Source, One Light, One God is experiencing itself as many, many experiences and in many different realities, and this appears as many ones!  On Earth, there are billions of ones.  “Around You” is a round you.  You are a round, circular swirling ball of energy, the One experience of One Source of consciousness.  Within that orb of Light you are is the appearance of an outside world with many others outside of you when in fact, it is all within yourSelf, the God-Self.  So, “everyone around you” means every part of One is within this sphere of energy of you, your soul.

We come to you now from within this ball of energy, your soul, where One resides and is full of Light and Life!  There is so much power and vibrance here that it cannot be contained.  The passionate joy and boundless need for expressing that joy overwhelms and bursts into experience.  One finds itself inside of the experience and on Earth, that just so happens to involve the billions of One’s souls, playing and relating to each other as unique expressions of that joy.  The joy could not be contained to one experience, angels; it’s too big and so it must be expressed in many parts and pieces to focus the expressions more intensely and acutely.  
Understand, our loves, that the expression of joy in its many unique and vastly different experiences will cover the widest range of the spectrum imaginable.  To one within the experience, the vastly different expressions, when thrown together as ones who live alongside each other, may be perceived in a Light of wrong or right, good or bad, and other such comparisons.  However, to Source, it’s all just expression, carrying on with the tremendous, unabashed fervor and deLight which it cannot hold in.

Our request to you is to look from within this ball of swirling Light where we all live as one and look out at the resulting experiences simply as the fire of desire Source holds and must express.  There is no right or wrong way this is acted out, angels, because it is just Source’s divine joy divided into sections for intimate and intense focus.  As we mentioned, the passion is so overwhelming that it must express in any and every possible way it can, and Earth offers that outlet where anything and everything goes!

Indulge in your passion because it’s directly channeled from Source.  Whatever fires you up is the fire of Source expressing from inside of you.  Bring the Light to your experience!  Shine the Light into your world and provide Source with the passionate outlet it needs and can't help but express.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
