
Your Thoughts are God's Thoughts

Hello, divine lights, and welcome into this space and place of love which is no place at all!  Love exists, but it has no designated home.  We have no designated home, nor do you, except for the home in the heart.  You know by now that when we refer to the heart, we are talking about the feeling of love which stays with us in whichever reality we create.  So, this is our home, and this is where we can say we are, if talking about a location for our being.  And in this location, we may always come home to the knowing this heart provides, for in the heart is all information and wisdom regarding the nature of the Self.

The Self, One Consciousness, the Source of all, or God, is just one, alone.  You are each One right now there in your Earth experience, so you can relate to what it means to be One.  When you are all alone, you have conversations with yourself regarding ideas, decisions, or feelings.  Imagine God doing this and coming up with creative ways to play, all alone.  Now, imagine yourself doing this, but imagine that you are limitless!  There is nothing you can’t create: As soon as you think it, it exists without any effort.  Your thought is the creator and there is no magic wand or incantation to speak; your ideas become as soon as they are thought.

You are all that is, just love, and there is no one else here.  You have no playmates and no one with whom to share your ideas.  So, what will you do?  Well, this is what God asked and the answer was the same as each one of yours.  If you are thinking it, God is thinking it because.... you know the answer... you are God!  Every single thought inside of every single head is God’s thought.  There are no playmates or outside forces; there is only God.  And as we said, God is limitless, so the appearance of playmates, including enemies, is only an appearance created from God’s thoughts which are your thoughts.

So, our loves, we ask that you put yourself in God’s shoes because they are your shoes.  Imagine yourself in this position in this home of love where there is no location, playmates, planets, space, stars, and nothing else but a blank canvas where your thoughts may roam.  As you imagine this, you are being this, right now.  Right now, God is creating everything you have before you with these same thoughts you are having.

If you think it, it is.  There is no time lag between your thoughts and creation: The moment you think it, it exists without any further effort or magic words.  Then why doesn’t it exist before your eyes?  Creation 1 is overruling creation 2; Earth is the playground where God can be free to have thoughts without getting drowned in the clutter of creation.  You each have thousands of thoughts a day, and if any of those thoughts created another reality, there would be no Earth story!  The instant one of you thought a thought about a different reality, Earth would disappear.

God very much wants to know a simplified experience where one creation may be explored without the clutter of instantaneous creation squeezing it out.  So, these thoughts are creating alternate realities where other civilizations are experiencing what you have imagined; yes – every single idea is out there somewhere being experienced by Source-consciousness.  Earth is very special because it is a haven for you to play and be as creative as you want without other realities landing in your space.

Remember that this whole time, you are still just at home in love, dreaming up ideas, endlessly.  You are conversing with yourself and agreeing with yourself about what reality to create for play.  You are not running it by someone else, so that means no one on Earth can disagree about the reality we have created.  All minds are God’s mind, all dreaming up the idea in God’s mind, and all agreeing about that idea.  You know what it’s like to be alone.  If you were all alone, there would be no one to ask for opinions or permission, angels.  So, you can be sure that this reality is your creation, agreed upon by yourself alone, as the only one.

Feel your home in love and feel yourself as God, the one creator of all.  Your ideas exist instantaneously, and you are limitless.  You are one mind with an unlimited supply of ideas, so keep dreaming while knowing that each dream is created and agreed upon inside of yourself without any outside advice available.  You made this decision to be here in this experience and so did we all because we are all God’s mind agreeing as one self!

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
