
Embrace Your Power as God

We are here.  Hello, sweet angels.  We are with you, and we are always here and available like this in these many pages of channeled words, or just in your own mind where you can feel for us and ask a question any time.  We have been discussing the matter of all things being created by God and therefore ARE God.  Your mind is not excluded!  Your mind is God’s mind, even when it is in turmoil and seems to take control over you.  Your emotions are no different, also seeming to have a power over you which you cannot fight.  When we look at these powerful forces and equate them with the power of God, we then believe that these powers are so mighty that they have a will of their own and we are helpless to their wiles.  However, as with anything created of God, perception is part of God’s right to utilize as it is deemed fit.  You have a choice in any situation to perceive powerful forces as external or as your own.

The power of the mind and the power of emotions have been the bane of humanity’s existence since their creation.  Imagine this: You are a powerful God or Goddess with no force against you and not even a concept of anything external existing.  You then choose a mission as a human being where suddenly many things seem to be external to you.  You have an entire world on the outside of your perception where before, everything was within you, an all-encompassing love.  All you have ever known is to create and be the only power, but then you arrive on Earth where the powers of the mind’s thoughts and the body’s emotions take hold!  Your instinct is to fight these forces because they communicate control and render you defenseless.  You weren’t prepared to be taken off-guard, to be taken from your power, and it came upon you so suddenly that all you could do was resist, deny, and reject the very reality you created for yourself.

When you deny your own reality, even more friction is created and yet another force challenges you: The force of creation!  There appears to be something created from an external source because you can’t find a reason why you would bring yourself such pain and agony.  Pain and agony arose only because the power of your perception was crowded out by these new forces of nature.  The simplest reasoning would have shown you that all is God, all is nature, you are God, you are nature, and therefore, the creation of the mind and emotions are nature, are you, are God!  But with your new overload of sensory stimulation, this was impossible, and you scrambled to find your way out of this box you landed in.

Can you believe that a God or Goddess would be afraid of thoughts and emotions?  Your very own mind and emotions have been attacking you since you came to Earth, beloved ones.  In your crowded perception, this is what you have believed and so you have done all you can to regain control and win back this power which seems to have been taken or lost.  You suppress and numb your feelings with substances, you deny your thoughts, even claiming they belong to someone else, and you use every tactic you can find to stop these powerful foreign forces from controlling you.  It is a rare and courageous human who embraces these, your own creations of thoughts and emotions, and rises above the fear to see them for what they really are.

This awakening sweeping across your planet is the dawn of a shift in perception.  More of you are recognizing that there is no power outside of you, and you are taking ownership over everything as your own creation.  In the moment of realization, you become awestruck by the fact that of all things to fear on your world, what you are collectively most afraid of are these Invisible forces inside of each of your own individual bodies!  The scariest things to face are your own thoughts and feelings and it became such a natural and widely accepted norm to push them away that it’s strange and unusual to find a human who doesn't employ known tactics for numbing and suppressing it all.

We invite you to stop being afraid of yourself and to use the greatest power you have to do this: The power of perception.  It’s up to you to think of your thoughts and feelings as mortal enemies, or to welcome them as part of your own creation, dear God!  You are Gods and Goddesses, and you may admit it.  You may release the chaos and panic which overwhelmed you when you landed there on Earth, and you can embrace yourself again.  All powers are your own and they are all for your own benefit.  Creation is your own and you are the God in charge.  Look to thoughts and feelings not with resistance but as the friends they were intended to be!  These bodily characteristics were set into place by You and so they only get stronger and more forceful when you send them away.

When you fight your thoughts and emotions, you are attempting to deny yourself and your own creation which is not possible.  Deny yourself no longer.  Embrace your power as God here and now.  Rather than mastering or ruling over your thoughts and emotions, allow them to flow through you and give the gifts you always intended them to give.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
