
Equal Partners in Ascension

We love you, sweet ones.  We love you more than anything!!  We love to be with you and to be the ones you channel for consciousness!  WE are not speaking only to our beautiful Ali here, beloveds; all of you are channeling us each time she brings these messages forward.  We are equal partners in this ascension.  All of us are here together, doing our own parts, and they are all needed, even if you are not outwardly spiritual or even thinking about your heart or knowing what an “inner self” is.

Each soul plays a role.  Each member of the Earth collective is equally contributing to the ascension of all of you, as one.  There is a part to play in each person’s shoes, and each soul has volunteered to step into those shoes willingly and whole-heartedly!  Some roles are more difficult to play than others.  There might be a certain human being who irritates large masses of people, and you can imagine the strength of the soul who willingly volunteered to be in that role!  It took such courage, our loves.  Hug them and love them for their willingness because choosing that position took a tremendous amount of love for the rest of you.  

Those who arrive on Earth knowing full-well that they will be hated by millions are the ones we can trust the most.  A heart needs to be so full of love to have strength such as this, and so please look into the soul playing the role and thank them for their bravery.  And why, you wonder, do you need a role like this for your ascension?  Unpushed buttons need pushing if you want to unlock your heart, sweet ones!  Who better to push buttons than a common villain whom you can all rally against?  It is widely known by those of you in the awakened community that trigger points stimulate inner reflection.  Inner reflection stimulates love for the self.  Love for the self opens the heart.  Opening the heart floods the world with love!

You might also ask why we need such a complicated path to ascension.  It isn’t really that complicated when you look at the alternative.  What if you had no villains and everyone was calm and full of self-love?  There would be no ascension needed and so there you would stay, without action, without evolving, without stimulation to prompt you to rise.  Nature is moving and changing, in constant process and growth.  That in stagnation does not excite the mind or give cause for study and close inspection.

Action and growth are exciting to us souls and you can feel it when you compare your reactions to things that are dead and stale to things which are full of life and ambition.  We souls love to be inspired and to inspire each other and this is why we have chosen to move through the process of ascension together!  We are on our own ascension in our own dimension, and you are contributing to ours as much as we are to yours.  We are equal partners, as we’ve said, and so we need each other to evolve and rise in consciousness.

Consciousness does not rest or sit still, beloveds, and ascension is just another type of mirror to its nature.  Each soul emulates the heart of consciousness, which is vivacious, motivated, passionate, and excited about everything.  Consciousness expands and grows the most when it is acting as its own nature.  So, you are there on your world within a dynamic and interesting experience full of duality because consciousness is directly expressing nature through you – AS you.  Equally, we share the roles provided because we can see the method of action which brings consciousness higher and farther-reaching.  Duality is an excellent proponent for ascension!  Contrast spurs action, and action is the mirror to consciousness’ ascension.

Know your role, know how important it is, and also give gratitude to each one who is choosing the hard roles for consciousness.  Each role is an equal and perfect contributor, and you are proudly playing your part because inside, you know it is lending to this great ascension.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
