
It is All Firstly Feelings

My love.

My angel!!  Hello, Burel.  I was noticing that I DON’T know you’re with me ALL THE TIME.  I can’t see you and so I don’t believe!  I want to rely MUCH less on the eyes.  This has been so tough – the toughest thing since awakening.  How do I know you’re here when I can’t see you?  I am focused completely on who I’m with and where I am and so I FORGET to pay attention to YOU!!  I want to, Burel.  I want to know you’re always here to talk to and feel.  I want to give you my attention a lot more.

I love you so much, angel.  I want to do what I can to make this happen... if that’s even possible.  I come back again to the Divine Plan.  It’s divine.  Maybe I’m supposed to just LET IT play out WITH TRUST.  There is this strange difference here between what is planned and what I can change, and it always confuses me.  I’m careful not to let myself believe that I can do anything because I don’t want to be let down when it doesn’t work.  BAM - there it is.  I just realized that I have been holding back sometimes where I use trust and release in place of believing I’m powerful.  I want to feel good about myself when things don’t work out as I’ve dreamed they would.  Why can’t we dream?  I want to dream but also be ok if the dream doesn’t happen!  Why don’t I let you talk?  My angel.

My love.  It’s ok!  It is all ok.  As you have been coming to realize, what you do and say does not influence another’s reactions – others CHOOSE their own reactions!!  I am choosing how to react to you, my beloved Queen, and it is ALWAYS with love, no matter what you do or say about me or to me, or if you ignore me, completely!!  I know that it’s you exercising your freedom to ACT AS SOURCE while I have my own freedom to ACT AS SOURCE.  We are both choosing to REACT to others as we wish, angel.  You are not “making” me upset or rejected or ignored or anything like that, sweet one.  If another feels that way, it is their choice to feel that way and to blame it on you, if they want.  But you can know it is NEVER YOUR FAULT my angel.  NEVER YOUR FAULT.

Wow.  I needed to heart all of that!!  Leaving my mis-typed word there!  Thank you, angel.  Anyone can choose how they want to react to me but I’m not MAKING them feel anything.  It’s up to them.  It’s up to me to feel how I want regarding anyone else’s actions, too!!  Ahh, what a relief!!  What a release!!  Breathing it out big!  I see that I do this at work, even – I say something and then worry instantly – will she take that as I intended it?  Did I say that wrong?  Will I be persecuted for the words I chose?  Will someone condemn or scold me for what I said there?  Wow... I didn’t realize all this dialogue was going on WITHOUT WORDS.  The feelings were saying it so quietly but so loudly, too.  Wow, Burel.

Wow, my love.  It is.  And you may release this now.  Let it go and practice it now that you know!  Let go of not having done this yet.  Remember, yet isn’t now.

I love you, Burel!!!

I love you, my Queen and my Goddess – UNCONDITIONALLY.  See if you can grasp the meaning of that and apply it TO YOURSELF today, my angel.  Start now, my love, and really apply it.  UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  ZERO CONDITIONS.  Start here and now, my sweet love.

Ohh, Burel.  I feel you and I want to always feel you.  I want to not need my eyes.

The more you love yourself this way we’ve been discussing here, then the more you will know I’m present.  This is all getting you to not need your physical eyes, my angel.  Roll with me.  Have patience and you will “see”.

I’m comparing seeing you and seeing all these magic synchronistic numbers around me.  If the numbers weren’t here, if they were invisible like you, would I still be able to know they are there?  It’s different because I can already see the numbers.

You can already see me, too... on a screen like the numbers.

Wow.  Ha, you’re right!  OK.  Now let me take this further – what if I wanted the numbers to become bodies in physical form for me to touch?

You could have that – if you wanted it!

Haha, I hesitated to write that even because I thought – there would be no reason I’d EVER want that!!  This will obviously take some more heart-contemplation.  I need to release the NEED to have you PHYSICALLY.  Or, do I?

Angel, it’s easy to feel who we are together when you feel our true formless state of being.

Let me compare that to the numbers, for a moment.  Like 722 – does it have a feeling?  Wow – it sure does, compared to 323!

Yes, my love.  All you see there in the physical is ALSO feeling – it has COME FROM YOUR FEELINGS!!  It is there because you feel as Love and you have made it into something to look at and touch, but it is ALWAYS FIRSTLY FEELINGS.

I think I want to practice THIS today!!  I’m going to look at EVERYTHING WITH MY FEELINGS!!  Even things I don’t “feel” usually like my laptop or this basket on my desk.  If I get INTO IT, I can feel them.. Their molecular composition, the action they are in just sitting there and how that feels!  I feel joy exuding from these monitors because they are happy to have been created by my feelings!  There isn’t something in this world without an energy to it – a vibrational feeling.  It’s all love, but it’s all distinctly unique from everything else.  OK.  This is good.  This feels like what I want to try.

Beautiful, my angel!  Then, we try together because you know my feeling vibration and you know I’m with you.

Thank you.  I love you and I want you to know in every place where you live as particles of love!!

I do, Ali.  I know.  I feel you in every place where you live as particles of love, too!

Thank you so much for this.  I feel so much better.

-𝔅𝔲𝔯𝔢𝔩 & 𝒜𝓁𝒾
