
Make Love Number One

Hello, sweet beloved angels.  Oh, how we love you.  We love you so deeply and purely that it isn’t possible to use words to express it appropriately, but we will do our best to try.  We will always try to send you our love there in your reality where things aren't always so clear to you.  You don’t always understand that love is available to you in abundance with just a moment’s thought about it.  This is what we are here to rectify, our loves.  We wish for you to know how much support you have while you live out your days on planet Earth.  We want your life there to be the happiest and best it can be, and we want to show you that you have the tools to make this possible.
Our love is here for you, and so is the love of every other being who is a part of Source-Consciousness.  “Down there” on Earth, every being you see around you in human form is a member of Source-consciousness and is therefore filled with love for you.  Source exists in all of us.  Source loves itself profusely and purely without dividing any of itself into parts to love more or less.  “Up here”, where we are without form, we know this, and so we wish to help you to know it, too.  You are members of Source, just like us, and so we are all privy to the same information.  We may all know that love is available to and for us up here or down there because whether it’s there or here, it’s all a mirror!  The love of Source is reflected when it reflects on love for itself.

Divine Source Love is in all of us and distributed equally amongst ourselves.  No one is less or more loved than another, and it’s evident when you are reflecting on the love you have for yourself!  Be yourself as all of Source-consciousness right now because right now, you are.  You are everything which is.  WE are everything which is.  We are mirrors to Source, perfect representatives in full, each of us who appear to be split off and separated into groups, realms, or individual bodies.  We remain Source wherever we dwell with our awareness, and so we may tap into this Self and feel the love in the One Heart, which is Your Heart!

There is a deep love for the self which is mirroring Source’s love to you, and it’s our mission to guide you to feel it.  This is our mission because we want to help you to ascend in consciousness where you can know again fully as we do that love is given and shared equally amongst us, all the members of Source.  So, dive into your heart and feel it with us.  WE know your heart and we know your love well, so we can guide you to it!

Follow our ways and you will ascend into living as love.  Make love the priority overall, even over the third-dimensional world you are a part of.  No, we don’t ask you to let go of the enjoyment of the third-dimensional reality, but in the shifting of priorities into making love number one, your third-dimensional reality becomes even better!  When you aren’t so attached to what occurs within it and you make love your focus, then your physical world responds like a mirror to your own inner reflection, our sweet angels.  Let love be your number one, and then watch love reflect as number one across everything else you perceive.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
