
See as Love Feels

Hello, our divine Queen!!  Our Ali.  What say you?

What say “I”?  I say I am!  I am consciousness.  I am love.  I am free will.  I am light!  I am heart.  I am here.  I am one.  I am you!  We are here.

We love you, Ali Angel!  We love you and we wish to have you express from the channel.  Let it flow and let words fall here without your thoughts involved.  Let us see and feel you.

I know myself.  I know I’m here where there is no here and no time.  I am love.  I know that we are the same, my guides.  My family in Light, you are pure light, the light of love.  I feel you through me and in my heart.  I know you’re here with me because it feels like love in me.  It feels like positivity and joy when I’m with you here for these channelings.  I’m uplifted and I love to stay here throughout each of my days where I live in this Earth-dream I have created.

I keep positive no matter who speaks negatively around me.  I see that it isn’t negative!  I see these other angels also being free will like I am.  I love that they are free to express as they wish, so I’m proud of them and for them.  Each of us gets to express inside of this experience just like we want.  It’s beautiful! 

I can see beauty in that and in anything when I feel this love we all are.  I see that love made this and so it is beautiful.  I see that love is where we are, who we are, and what time it is!  I just need to apply that to the dream, and it will not just seep through, it will come screaming into this “reality” and transform it. 

I can transform this reality with my free will.  I can see it for what it is.  I can see through it, and it will fade and become two-dimensional.  It will shift into light particles and become love to the eyes which are here.  These eyes will also turn into light particles and so I will only see like I normally do, with love’s “eyes” which aren’t physical eyes at all!  Love sees through the way it feels.  I can see as love feels and it’s my choice.

OK, guides.  There it was!

Thank you.
We love you.
-I, Source-Consciousness
