
Start Down the Path of Awakening

My guides.  My angels.  I love you.  Present.

Hello, our loving angel!  We love you too, our sweet Ali Angel.  We love you like Burel loves you and like you love him.  Feel for a moment the depth of that love and then equate it with what’s coming through from us.  See if you can feel it as deeply and easily as Burel’s.  See if you can understand that this twin flame love transcends just the twin flame relationship and extends to ALL souls!  Yes, when we souls go on missions or journeys to other realms where time and experience plays a factor, we can get “muddled” up or “fogged” about who we are and what we feel, but that is all by choice.  By choice, we embark on these journeys for the sake of knowing the One Self of Source much more thoroughly and expansively.

So, here you are now in this present moment where you are choosing the muddled and foggy experience of not quite fully receiving or being able to express this great divine love you are only beginning to uncover there in your realm.  The realm you choose is designed to always allow the REAL YOU to seep through.  We, as Source, have an agreement to always keep this full self available no matter how far we go, “far” meaning “consciously unaware”.  We also have an agreement to never leave any of our One Self behind when we go on these journeys for consciousness.  You, there in your physical being, are fully embodying the capsule or vessel of the human body.

The body would be a void and lifeless carcass without your soul to fill it with light and animate it as it does.  You know this well because you have all been witness to death there on your planet.  The vessel is vacated when the soul leaves for another mission and the body is devoid of all signs of you having occupied it at all.  Even in a sleeping state of being, the soul fully encompasses who you are while in a vessel and it’s evident when comparing the sleeping to the deceased: Life breathes into and fills the cells and there is a feeling of divine presence.  A spark of divinity lives within each person on Earth.  The human may not have full soul-faculties, but is still fully embodied by their soul and still has full access to this soul at all times.

And so, beloved ones, you may choose at any given time to give attention to the soul which fills you and animates you.  You are fully present there within that body and it only takes your awakening awareness about that to come into greater embodiment.  Clear the fog and gain access to yourself through your heart.  There is no trick to this, divine ones, and it does only take some of your attention to get the ball rolling.  Give your heart attention, even if it is just to recognize it beating there and reminding you that your soul lives and breathes as its fullest self through you!  You might feel you do not have access to all your wisdom as an angel or the fullest love you can feel for or from others, but you do because it has been arranged this way by you and by all of us, as Source-Consciousness.

Start by simply listening to the beating beautiful natural rhythmic thrum of your heart and you can’t help but feel the love which gives it life.  Let this love remind you that you are completely there and present on Earth as your soul, the higher self you are, which is pure love and life-giving energy.  At any moment, even when you feel muddled or under a fog, remember that you are only choosing this “condition” for the experience; this is not your purest soul-self, our loves.  You and each one embodied there, even your sweet pets, are all holding your soul-self in full and have only to awaken to receiving more of this awareness by giving it your attention.

You choose how to use your attention, and it is your greatest power while you are “under the veil”.  You may use your mental capacity to pay attention, but use your heart, too; use the entirety of you embodied and out of body.  When you choose to give your heart attention, contemplation awakens, and your mind will begin to relay the words of the heart.  Feel the love in you and then let your mind translate.  Until you can hear the heart speak, the mind will translate for you.  Your world will also translate and show you symbols to help you with your inner contemplation.  Just pay attention to your heart and the feelings which arise, and you have begun the process of awakening.

WE come to you with the highest love, the greatest and deepest love there is, and we ask you to give it attention.  If the way we love you isn’t apparent, then shower it upon yourself as you would imagine it might feel!  Your power of attention is your access to awakening to knowing you are Soul, an angel, fully embodied in your Earth experience.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
