
Your Angels and Guides are Present

Our loves, we are here.  We love you.  It’s a joy to connect and make our presence known to you in this way, on this screen, with these words!  We also like to make ourselves known to you in other ways, if you’re one who watches the world around you and feels for the guides and angels surrounding you.  You must be awake and aware, though.  You have free will and that means you must choose to be alert to the presence of guides and angels; they cannot be witnessed or felt if you are not in a state of receptivity.

We assure you that you have a team of angels and guides just like us walking with you everywhere you go, and they have always been there.  We aren’t spies, sweet ones; we are a loving support team!  We are not looking in and taking notes on what you did right and wrong.  There is no wrong, in the eyes of the angels and guides.  Angels and guides are the source of consciousness, and that’s pure love, and pure love has no judgement.  Love can only love, and that’s what we are and what we do.  We sit by you and love you, and that’s all we do.  We wait by your side for you to make contact, and we make no judgement about when or if you ever do.  Our entire agenda is just to be love and to love you.

Speaking of right and wrong, we do see that this is a hotly debated topic on Earth.  We see that to be human means to pick sides, oftentimes.  Picking sides, choosing who’s right and who’s wrong, is a form of judgement.  In our eyes, the eyes of love, you’re all neither right nor wrong; you just are!  We see you inside the heart, where you live as love just like we do, and so we only know you to be, to just be, and to not be right or wrong.

If, in a moment, you find yourself attracted to chaos and evil on Earth more than you are attracted to news about acts of kindness, we just watch with our ever-loving presence and remark on how much we love you!  We love that you are using your free will to follow that which most lights your fire because when you do this, you are being source… you are being love!  When we see you stifling your true desires or passing judgement on yourselves and others, we love you just the same because again, you are exercising your free will to choose a way to be.  Any way to be is to be love, so we are always smiling on you and loving you, any way you be.

Thank you for lending us your eyes and ears for this message!  We love to share from our hearts in this way and every way we can.  So, if you wish to be aware of our presence and connect a little more, then just open to it.  Look around your world for the subtle or sometimes glaringly obvious signs we leave for you!  Talk to us in your mind or out loud.  We are with you; you don’t need to call for us or look up to heaven, sweet ones.  With just the decision to give us your attention, we become apparent to your heart and earthly senses.
It is a joy and honour to connect with you and we love you.
-I, Source-Consciousness
