
Believe, Fearlessly

We love you, angels!!  Do what you can to lift your vibration!!  If believing in magic and in your dreams coming true lifts you up, then do that!  If believing in your dreams coming true causes fear and apprehension, then don’t!  It honestly does not matter, sweet loves, what you choose to use to lift your joy and level of energy, but just be sure that what you follow with your heart always does this.  What you follow will lift you and send you into heights of excitement and optimism!  Make this your creed, now and going forward.  Promise to only follow what brings you up into new heights of joy and love.

We wish to touch on the topic of believing in your dreams because this can be one which sends you in either direction.  Let’s say you have a dream which you believe is out of reach.  If you wish for it but then flip into thoughts about the sadness of it not occurring, your vibration will not rise.  You might then dare to believe that it could come true, but someone warns you off, saying not to get your hopes up.  We say, get your hopes up!  Lift yourself up!  There is no harm in doing this, ever, sweet loves.  Getting your hopes up lifts you up and lifting you up is what brings you closer to us here in the next dimension.  This is our guidance, to bring you higher, to show you the way to advance in consciousness.

You know now that love is in a constant state of advancement through consciousness, and that means it is always striving to be higher.  Love doesn’t stay stagnant; it stays in peace while it climbs and reaches for the next level of joy.  If you pick a dream to believe will come true, and you go on until your dying day to never have it appear in your Earth-reality, well didn’t you still live for joy and love and the heights of divinity?  If you lived your days letting dreams go because you thought them unattainable or impossible, then you held yourself inside of a stale and stagnant place where love could not flourish and thrive as it so wished to do through you.

Believe, fearlessly.  Choose to believe that anything you wish will come true for you because you will only feel lifted and excited even if just for the joy it brings to imagine possibilities for yourself.  Dare to believe and do it shamelessly.  Pick any dream, no matter how outrageous your mind says it might be, and then know in your heart that it will come true.  Imagine it, live it, carry it out inside of your heart, and then feel the thrills it brings through you.  Let these thrills lift you up high on love’s wings, high into the next level of consciousness, and you will only find new dreams to believe in and new hopes and wishes to excite you and lift you even higher!

The feelings of hope and optimism are ones we stand behind, no matter what you are up against.  You might have others warning you against wishing too high, but we say there is no limit, not even the sky.  Wish to your heart’s content.  Take yourself to heights unknown.  Imagine the biggest wish you can and then make it yours in your being.  You can’t go wrong believing in a dream; you can only go higher.  So, lift and dance into the possibilities you create for yourself, and then know they are real where your mind and heart believe it because creation comes from here, from your love!  If you have imagined it, then it has been created and can be created in any reality you choose.

Believe, lift yourself high, and remove all limits.  Fear and safety are limits you can release right here.  Dare to believe and then feel the excitement taking you higher and higher.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
